My '08 Prius suffers from the brake noise actuator problem, which causes it to make barking sounds when it's stopped and in "ready" mode. The stereo also makes a high pitched sound when I connect my Sirius radio to the Aux port. After being annoyed by these noises for months, I decided to take it to the dealer early Saturday morning. I explained to the service rep. what the problem was and told him about the TSB's that have been issued for these exact problems. The service tech said "no problem, we'll get it taken care of", so I left the car there for the rest of the day. Half an hour before closing, the service tech called to tell me that my car is ready and he is leaving the keys with sales. Once I got there, the receptionist had to go look for my keys in the service shop, then I had to go to the back (where they keep the cars they are working on) and look for my Prius, which was parked next to the wall. I noticed that nothing inside had been disturbed. When I looked at the work order, they had the following resolutions: Brake noise when in "ready" mode: Brake noise is normal. Nothing wrong. Noise from Aux. port: The noise is due to aftermarket wiring. (This would be the audio cable from my Sirius going into the Aux. port). So, what the heck? I know this Prius makes more noise than my old Classic Prius, but that loud sound it makes can't possibly be considered normal. It almost sounds like I'm tapping on the horn. Stupid delares
I believe the TSB says that the dealer needs to bleed the braking system which is what they should have done. I would still take it to another dealer because if they weren't aware of it they obviously don't know what they are doing.
The noise from the aux line in jack is from a ground loop. This noise can easily be fixed with a ground loop isolator: PAC SNI-1/3.5 Minijack Ground Loop Noise Isolator I had the same noise when using my iPod and this fixed it completely. This is a common problem with the Prius. (A ground loop can occur anytime you are powering two connected audio devices from different power sources. A difference in the electrical resistance of the grounds for the two devices causes an electrical flow across the audio wires. This electrical flow causes audio noise. Do a Google search for ground loop if you really want to get into details.)