So, I installed the Always On mod to the front cigarette adapter a few months ago, and all was working fine. Last weekend, my wife took the car (I know...that was my first mistake) and plugged a small (70W) power inverter into the front cigarette lighter plug. She said that it made "like a buzzing sound", and now the outlet is dead. I removed the always-on mod...still dead. I checked a few fuses, and all looked fine (although I'm not sure which one is for the cig lighter), and everything else in the car is working fine. Before I bring it in to the dealer to fix, does anyone have a suggestion as to how I can fix this myself? I hate going to the dealer, even if it is covered under warranty. Thanks Allen
the power outlet fuses are in the instrument panel, fuse 12 and fuse 21 . try trading them, or replacing both of them. if this still does not bring back the power outlet back to life, i kind of doubt that it will be covered under warranty. when in doubt about the warranty its best to keep quiet about it and play innocent. another thing to check is the actual 70w inverter. the inverter has its own fuse too. you might be overlooking that. ive had a few toyota power sockets go bad on me in the 80-90s too. the voltage was good going to the socket, but the socket was bad. toyota puts a screwy connector on thier power sockets to prevent you from installing an aftermarket one. if you go aftermarket you will have to cut the wires and solder also another thing to check is the 12 plug on the power inverter. it has a spring in the tip and i have had a few go bad too
Thanks...Definitely I'll play dumb when it comes to the warranty. Also I'll check 12 & 21 first. The power inverter is no longer in the picture. The 12V socket itself is dead. I checked the connector that plugs into the back of the socket, and it appears dead too. I'll let you know what happens!
So, in the '08 the fuses aren't numbered in any way. Is there a diagram somewhere showing which fuses are # 12 and 21? Or, am I looking in the wrong fuse box? It is under the hood, on the driver's side of the car...just behind the headlight.
i am sorry. i posted the wrong information. the correct fuse box was the instrument panel fuses 12 and 21
HELP - My Cigarette Lighter Plug Died Too! Hello, I seem to be having the same problem - dead 12V outlet in the front. I found a dead 15A fuse and replaced it, but the outlet is still dead. I tested the contacts at the fuse box, and there is no power getting to the fuse. The outlet in the center console works fine. I haven't found any other burnt fuses. Any ideas for what to check next? What's upstream of the fuse for the front power outlet? Thanks, -Tom