We have a 3 week old Prius with the dark gray leather seats. My wife is a nurse and had an orange marker in the back pocket of her scrubs. Needless to say, the driver's seatback looks like a 3 -year old was drawing on the seats. I dug out my Lexol leather cleaner, but not one bit of the marker came off. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to use or do? I'd hate to use the last resort of replacing the driver's leather seatback. Thanks!!!
1. If you can find it, try Unbelieveable Ink Out. It is an industrial ink remover. 2. Try using a dry erase marker over the stain first, then, while it is still wet try to soak up as much as you can. Then use a cleaner on the remainder. 3. Call a retailer of leather apparel. They may have a product or recommend one. 4. rubbing alchohol and a Q tip. OF COURSE TRY ANYTHING ON A SMALL AREA FIRST. And use a conditioner afterwards. Good Luck
Toothy, Thanks for the suggestions. I found Unbelievable Ink Out online and ordered a bottle. I'll give it a try. Curious about the Dry Erase Marker trick. Any ideas on how why that would work? Thanks again.
I know that on a dry erase board, if you accidentally use a regular marker, it can be removed by going over it with a dry erase marker as long as the stain is not really really old. I used to worked for a firm that coated the material to make those boards.
If it was a Sharpie or other permanent marker, it can be removed with a cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol. Then condition the leather since the alcohol dries it out.
Try blotting the stain with a solvent soaked cloth. Try these solvents, in order, as they get stronger and are more likely to cause damage. As others have stated, try a small section first in case it reacts to the leather: 1) Isopropyl alcohol. 2) Ethyl alcohol. 3) Acetone. 4) MEK (Methyl Ethyl Keytone). Hope this helps, Tom
Thanks to all for the suggestions. Toothy...the bottle of Unbelievable Ink Out was delivered today. I followed the instructions by spraying the area, waiting 60 seconds and wiping. I was amazed to see the white cloth soaked with orange from the seat. The stain totally came out. I'm glad to have this miracle bottle in my home arsenal of cleaning products. Thanks again. One added note....I heard my wife laughing while doing the laundry.....I asked what was so funny as she promptly held up her pair of underwear that matched the orange drawing on the seat.