Does anyone know of a good information source on gas/fuel quality and whether it's "real" gas, or "ethanol" gas, as sold by various retailers or chains? I know the 10% ethanol blend isn't as efficient, but almost everyone now labels their tanks as "may contain as much as 10% ethanol", so you have no idea who's selling you what kind of gas. I'm looking for this type of info in and around the Wichita, KS area. Many of the stations mentioned on this forum just aren't around here.
There is a fairly simple test you can do in the field that requires a known amount of 'unknown' fuel, water and a graduated cylinder. I don't have the reference handy but you add enough water to take all of the ethanol out of the gasoline. The change in volume of the original sample to the one with the ethanol removed gives you the percent of ethanol. NOTE: you still have to dispose of the gasoline sample and unless you have a safe way to keep the water out, this becomes a challenge. Bob Wilson
I don't know about ethanol content, but do a search on Google for "top tier gasoline" You will find some interesting facts about gasoline quality. Mike
Tundrwd, Your state's department that checks gas station pumps can provide the information you want. The specific name changes from state to state; sometimes it is the department of agriculture, other times some other department. It is identified on the sticker attached to each pump. Unless there is a strong sunshine law in your state, it may take some time to drill down to the correct information.
I'll check, but unfortunately, a law was passed in KS about 18 months ago that basically obfuscated the entire issue. There was such a flap from the gas retailers about ethanol that the state just allowed them to sell as "may contain up to 10%". So, one day it may, one day it may not.