no idea points mean nothing just like Martha's jail time, it means nothing to her graduate by posting over 100 (I think) posts
Let's see. . . Posting a picture is done in the "Post Reply" screen. The image must be hosted somewhere on the internet and referenced in your post. This way, it merely copies it into your thread. You earn two points for every thread you initiate and one point for every reply. The points really do mean nothing currently. It's just for fun. And yeah, somewhere around 100 posts you graduate out of rookiness.
.. i would have been senior a long time ago.. i really need to finish my sponsorship.. pc sponsor is no fun.
Ah!!! I have it figured, the Chatroom computer knows I am a kindred spirit in the binary realm and took it upon itself to upgrade me <grin>. That was one of the first reasons why I was attracted to the Prius - all the boys toys and electronics, Once I did some reading and research I realised what everyone on this chat already realises. Beauty is only skin deep - NOT!! It goes all the way through with the Prius.
Actually the quote should be - "There are only 1 kinds of people, ones who understand binary and zeroes who don't."
When I signed up for this site, I must have checked a box that tells the site to send me an email for every post sent to this site. I have been all over my "preferences" and can't find any thing that will stop this. Can any one out there tell me what I did, and how I can stop it, short of cancelling my membership in this site? HELP!
DonDNH Good one - had to think about that. However, I think I will stick with mine - LOL Those who don't get it, think it is stupid or I have made a mistake - those who do ... well, it speaks for itself (goof, guru or geek).
We just bought Pkg# on Monday (last) night and I would like to join the sub-forum Washington, D.C. (northern Virginia) area. How do I?
clcik on profile at top of any page then profile tab then your profile then profile settings (on left at bottom) then notification, clear appropriate check box