Hi everyone, I picked up my 2009 Silver Pine Mica Pkg 2 Prius about three weeks ago. I came from a smart fortwo, which is a great commuter car, but just wasn't working out for my partner and me. Living in SoCal, and driving mostly in the city, I was averaging about 30-32 mpg with it. The cons outweighed the pros, so I sold it and purchased "Froggomite." What a difference! Lots of room, great ride, and the fuel economy averages 45-49 mpg! I finally have my dream car! A few questions for anyone out there: I have wheel locks on Froggomite, but I don't know where the wheel lock key is. Would anyone know? Also, when I brake, it seems to pull to the left a bit, does anyone have the same issue? I'm looking forward to a long life with Froggomite, and being on this site. Best, John
I don't know about the wheel lock key. That is a dealer installed option, so you would have to ask the dealer where they put it. As for pulling when braking, does it happen at speed, or only at low speed (less than 8 mph)? At low speed the friction brakes come into play and could be the cause. At higher speed you normally use regenerative braking, which runs only through the front wheels. If it is a higher speed issue, I would suspect the tires or perhaps the alignment. At low speed I would check the friction brakes. Tom
remove or lift up the floor mat from the hatch back area if you have one , and open those little flaps. they probably put it with the spare tire or the jack to the left of the spare tire is a little storage area too to the right is the 12 v battery, it is probably not there
Thanks qbee42 and rigormortis for the advice! I will check the hatch areas for the key and take it to a dealer to inspect the brakes. I'm really enjoying this car. Much easier to keep it in electric motor mode than the 2006 Civic Hybrid I used to have.
Careful there spidermnmi, being a froggomite is still illegal in five southern states, and if they catch you there, they *will* confiscate all your frogs too.
I must have my factoids (or memory) messed up. I thought the civic hybrid couldn't run in pure EV mode as the Prius does. Old age, it aint no picnic.