So I've been on the waiting list to get a 2005 Silver #5 for almost 11 months, the last 6 months of which the dealer has been assuring me that it should be coming any day now. I feel increasingly confident that they are just giving me the run around here, especially as I read that their are Prius cars sitting on the lots other places or that people other than me are facing fairly short or no wait time. I'm almost ready to jump ship - either away from the Prius or at least to another dealer. So has anyone had a good experience with a dealer in the southeast (Texas through Georgia, and maybe beyond)?
KiminBR I had a good experience with Ballentine Toyota in Greenwood SC. They were the first Toyota dealer that would find a car for me without the high markup dealer accessories that are put on cars in the SE. I got a quote from Richard Loper, the internet sales manager, and 10 days later I had exactly the car, color and options I wanted. I paid MSRP 2 wks ago when I got the Prius. I notice that some dealers are now selling for less than MSRP now that the supply has increased. You can email Richard at [email protected] and request a quote if this sounds good to you.
KiminBR I am a toyota dealer in Colorado I have Prius vehicles reserved especially for my Prius Chat clients, I have the vehicle you described that will be at my dealership in 2-3 weeks and I ship directly to your residence or business. Let me know how I may assist you. Several other Prius Chat members have been extemely pleased with our service. Kent Cochran Internet Sales Manager Ehrlich Toyota 970-302-8711 [email protected]
Got a few in Raleigh if that's not too far east for ya. I assume the BR is Baton Rouge... it would probably be more than a day drive for ya. Here's what I did. I went to the toyota site, entered my zip code and expanded the search out as far as I could get it to find dealers. Then I printed out the list. Repeated for central zip codes in surrounding states. Then one saturday I sat down and on a free LD cell phone started at the top of the list and asked exactly what they had in and what they had coming in. Wrote it all down. Yeah.. it took a little over an hour, and I'm sure a few were put off by my rudeness in saying "thank you'' and hanging up before they started in on their pitch or could fish for a name and number.... but by the end of it I knew exactly what was available where.. and I ended up being able to get a car practically the day I decided I was ready. Of course "GET" in this case is defined as having money down on a car that was scheduled in within a week. Maybe a dealer could expand on this.. but I wonder if there is a way to "track" a certain VIN car on transit from dock to dealer. That way you could answer the question of whether or not they are stringing you along.
Kim, I live in Dallas, which must be the worst place to try and buy a Prius. No supply, price gouging and generally a sorry group of dealers. I do suggest that you just start widening your search circle. While I did find some much better dealerships further out, they didn't have the cars and the waiting lists were too vague and open ended for me. I think you probably have two choices. You can order a car from a local dealer that you can make a fair deal with, which includes leaving off most or all of the "port added options", which is generally just extra markup, or you can track down the car you want and go get it or have it shipped. I am expecting my car next week, fingers crossed, from Kent's dealership in Colorado. So far it has been a very easy transaction, but I'll wait until I get my car to report my final impressions So far so good, though, and they have been great to deal with. Randy Salsa Red, pkg 6
I bought my 2nd vehicle 4 weeks ago using There you should find about 500 new or used 2004 to 2005 Prius for sale in the US. I paid $20,500 +$495 doc fees + tax & tags, for a used 2004 Prius Pkg #9 with 12K miles in excellent condition at a Honda dealership 150 miles from home.
Wanted to publicly convey my thanks to: Kent Cochran Internet Sales Manager Ehrlich Toyota 970-302-8711 [email protected] For helping me get a 2005 Prius, Tideland Pearl in about 3 weeks. (my total wait time. Thanks, Jack
I contacted several dealers in the Atlanta area over the weekend and could not find any possibility of a Prius (now or later) under $30,600 plus tax. In addition to the usual extra charges, there is a markup of $2,500 (Internet discount) to $4,000, and all of the cars are loaded with the maximum options. Edmunds and other pricing guides are not indicating these huge markups. I am very disappointed and am about ready to give up and buy an Infiniti or Acura because I can't afford a Prius. KB
kkb. I went through the same frustrations a month ago when I was looking for a Prius. I found that the small town dealers had better deals than the large city dealers. See my post earlier in this thread. If you are willing to work with a dealer 2 or 3 hrs away as I did you may be able to find a Prius for MSRP without the high markup accessories that the SE Toytota dealers add on. Give Richard Loper a call and see what he can do for you. Richard Loper Ballentine Toyota Greenwood, SC 864-229-5052 or 800-541-7646
Kendall Toyota Miami, FL Contact for Prius: Michael Cordero - tel: 800-873-8696 - great sales person - bought my Prius with no markup - I think they have some in stock. Kendall Toyota is part of JM Motors and is the largest dealer in South Florida. I also have his cell number or you can ask them to call him if he is not at the dealership. He worked with me until he got me a car.