An earlier thread indicated that other people have had this problem, so I figured I'd post what finally seems to have fixed it for me. My driver's window had been rattling whenever it was lowered less than half way down (it did not rattle when completely closed.) The rattle was generally not noticeable on very smooth roads, but it was quite annoying on rougher roads or when going over any sort of bump. On my first trip to the dealer, a new window regulator was ordered. On the second trip, the regulator was installed, and my car was supposedly road tested to confirm that the problem had been fixed. After driving about 1/4 mile, it was clear that the problem was not any better. On the third trip (this morning), I took a mechanic on a test drive to demonstrate the noise. This time, they replaced the felt in the window channel. So far, so good - I've driven over speed bumps and on roads that need paving (hardly rare in Southern California), and there hasn't been any rattle. I can't say that I'm overly pleased about having to go in three times, but the problem is fixed and it didn't cost me any money.
our passenger window rattles, found that we need a weather strip and door run. parts are in the shop waiting for me to have a day when i won't need the car. will report back.
I noticed a low rattle from the driver side window too. I mentioned this to the mechanic when I went for the 10K maintenance. They are going to replace the felts in the window channel I guess. Also there was a noise from the engine mount. So they have ordered new engine insulation mounts. I hope these are all covered under the warranty!
I have the same issue when the window is open 6 inches or less (it's fine if it's closed completely). I've had the issue for a year and a half since I first bought the car and everytime I bring it in, they never hear it.
If you can reliably produce the sound, perhaps you should take the service writer or the tech for a ride so that you can show him/her exactly what your complaint is.
I have brought my 2009 Prius into the dealer twice now because the drivers side window rattles when it's about a half an inch rolled down. They said that's normal with most cars...normal? I don't think so, i've never encountered it. I know a lot of other people that own Prius's and they don't have rattling windows, this car is brand new!! Can anyone help me? The dealer won't even try to fix it. Thanks!
Possibly print out and show this thread to them? Maybe that would help. Are there any other dealers in your area that you could bring it to for a second opinion? Best wishes,
I have rattles from the front windows when they're all the way up! What would be the fix for that? I'm not under warranty so I'd like to fix it myself.