To N.E. Prius Gals & Guys, Firstly, thank you all for joining. I think we should all meet up soon but I need your suggestions. When & where we should do this gathering? Will Newbury Street (Boston, MA) be too crowded & tough to organize? But that will really make a statement don't you think? Does any one have connections w/ local TV stations? I think they should report our event. That'll be cool. :wink: Secondly, I am in the process of organizing my first group-buy / commercial offering with Danny and once he has put it up, I will post here. This first item has extremely slim profit so I cannot offer any additional discount for N.E. buyers but I promise special N.E. discounts for subsequent offerings. That's it for now. Let me hear you please. Edward
Depends on whether the NAV DVD is accurate for 'current' Boston at the time. Frankly, I doubt I could make any sort of get together more than an hour from Burlington, no time in my life. My only known trip that way is the beginning of June for a skating comp in Reading. I doubt y'all want to hike up here either. I can send a photo of the car though, if you like.
Hey There, I am living in NE and don't know how to join this club. I am a neophyte when it comes to forums but the Prius has inspired me to get with the program. (about time) I am replying to this thru Does that make me a member or is there something else I have to do? Happy Driving from Maine, jh90206
welcome. Is anyone here familiar w/ how this phpBB forum works? I PM'd Danny a couple of times & asked him for help but heard back no reply from him so far. I need to know if I have to grant permission to you guys or not. Thank you. Edward
Re: 1500 N.E. members and still counting ! If I read the info correctly, we now have 1,500 N.E. Prius members! Amazing. We have to do a gathering once the weather turns warmer.