If you just UPDATE to a newer disk, you will not lose your data. That being said, if you lose power (pull fuse for NAV system) you will lose your data. This is important you YOU to know, since you have your business data stored there. Why would you lose power? Well, pulling the cables off the 12 volt battery for some maintenance items. Or needing to replace the NAV unit in case of failure. I have seen some products (with a 9 V battery) that are supposed to keep the stored data safe in these cases. Don't know if these really work with the Prius/Camry system. Would be great if we could download the stored information (via BT since it's already installed) for an archival b/u (in other words -- just in case).
John, Thanks for the info I appreciate it. I didn't think I would lose the data but wanted to check to make sure. I have 101/106 places stored so don't want to lose all of those. You would think that there would be at least a 10-20 minute battery backup for all the data. I assume when you lose you stored nav data you will also lose your entire phone book which would be an EXTREME P.I.T.A because you don't have a QWERTY keyboard for data entry with it. Which is another issue that makes no sense, LOL. Anyway, thanks for the info. Chris
I've had the battery disconnected for short periods on my 2006 and have never lost any of the navigation data, nor phone directory. I think I did lose the radio stations, but it's been a while.
For what it's worth, the speeds that the Prius uses in its ETA calculations are configurable. There's an option in one of the menus where you can set the speeds that it uses for side streets, major thoroughfares, and interstates/highways.
I'm disappointed that the price is so high for the updated NAV disk. I have to say that my DH bought a TomTom for his car for about $300 that far exceeds my 2004 NAV system in graphics, versatility, upgradeablity, and just plain bells and whistles. Yes, you always want to remember to take it with you or hide it. but you can't beat its features. The most important: you buy it once and you can update it on line for free. It not only shows when your next turn is, as the Prius does with an arrow in the upper right, but names the street and does so without hiding half the main screen. There are also several display modes, not to mention a zillion voices and languages to choose from. (Right now he has Yoda's voice - it's hilarious. Not that that's so important.) It has complete Bluetooth functionality. You can plug an iPod into it to play through the sound system. Adding and deleting places is simple. I still haven't figured out how to delete marked or input places from the Prius NAV memory, and the only part of those places i can edit is their name; If I mark a spot, it gives the street address it figures for the location and doesn't let me correct it. And half the time it will tell me the street number doesn't exist when I look for it, even for places that have been there for ages. Like the campus address of a large college we went to visit! Google knew exactly where it was. I always have to get printed directions before trying programming the Prius, and they rarely agree. Google is much more dependable and up to date at this point. When I first got the Prius with the NAV, I was so thrilled I swore I'd never get another car without it. But after seeing its limitations, I've decided to just purchase another TomTom or something similar as a much more economical and useful choice.
My dealer just quoted me $1060 for an update. I have a 2004 Prius. I wondered if they said that so the $250 would sound like a bargain!
Hi please tell me where to find the disc player for a new model prius so I can check which disc I have. I was told it was under the passenger seat but it is not. I dont have the manuals and the Toyota web site is very confusing to use. Any help would be appreciated. thanks:usa2:
I believe the 2009s have 8.1, but I haven't seen it for sale independently yet. The DVD is under the driver's seat. Push the seat all the way forward. You'll see the drive from the back seat. With the car on, open the door on the drive and slide the eject button over. The disk will spit out. To reload, push the disk in and slide the latch back. Replace the door.
A small clarification: a previous poster stated that TomTom updates are free. This is not entirely correct. TomTom and Garmin both supply free updates for system software, via downloads from the web. For updated maps you normally have to pay. Their prices are much more resonable than Toyota's. Tom
It's under the driver's seat but you don't have to pull the disk to see the version - it's one of the menu options in the Nav section (somewhere).
I've seen 8.1 discussed on the Lexus forums so I know it's out there. I've been using 5.1 since I got my car. I ordered an update for my Prius from Metro. $265 if I recall correctly. Jesse has to order it, but he doesn't anticipate any problems getting it.
I have a 2005 prius, does anyone else wish to update there navigation system? Why dont a few of us purchase the disk and pass it around I do not care who ends up with the disk. Unless this is not legal, I am in the east bay area.
I'm currently running 5.1 which came with the car. I expect to receive 8.1. If they send Jesse 7.1, I'm refusing it.
The 8.1 DVD arrived today. Took all of five minutes to install it. 1. The "legal" screen comes on for about 5 seconds, then disappears on its own. There's no longer an "I Agree" button. The Coastal Lockpick 3 doesn't mind that the button is gone. 2. I entered a memory destination which used to say "Some roads won't provide guidance" on 5.1. No such warning on 8.1, so I guess they've mapped the roads better. (The actual roads were there in 5.1 too.) 3. A quick check of restaurants on my town's main street shows 'em up to date. On 5.1, I used to see a place that's gone more than 10 years. I'm happy. $265 plus about $10 shipping from Metro Toyota.
The Coastal Lockpick 3 (the $99 one) works fine, like it did with 5.1; I can tap the upper-left corner and enter destinations while moving. Just so's you know.
BTW, I presume 8.1 is the same as 7.1, in that you can make the screen formerly known as "I Agree" to disappear virtually instantly by pressing the Map button twice quickly... unless you enjoy waiting the ~5 seconds. Thanks for the confirmation about the Lockpick working with 8.1... I've been thinking of ordering one of those one day. I just hate the extortion by UPS in shipping to Canada...