Our system was installed in late September/early October and finally turned on last Wednesday. It's a 6K system. The power company installed a bi-directional meter and there is also a dedicated PV meter to show total output. Last year we used about 600kWh during the month of October. So I was thinking right around 20kWh per day. Our system is making approximately 25kWh per day, so we should have a bank of 25kWh between Wednesday and Sunday. I read the power company's guide to reading a bi-directional meter. I know that between Wednesday and Sunday the kWh delivered BY them went from 380 to 405 - so we used 25kWh or their power, right? Our PV meter shows 119kWh produced during that time period. The bi-directional meter says that 99kWh have been received by the power company, 60kWh during peak hours. Since we have only used 25kWh of their power but given to them 99kWh, wouldn't the meter be "spinning backwards" rather than going from 380 to 405? Also, if we produced 119 and sold them 99, we only used 20kWh of our power. Plus we used 25kWh of their power - 45kWh total over 5 days. That doesn't seem possible, since the average usage for October is right around 20kWh/day. Maybe it is right, but I doubt it. We aren't running the a/c, but the kids are still watching TV and I'm still using the computer and we're still running a fridge, ceiling fans and lights. I figure there must be something I'm missing here. I must not be reading it right, because nothing makes sense as far as the numbers go. Yeah, I know it's Priuschat - but I know there are some PV users out there, so I thought I'd give it a shot.
Your post suggests one or more of the following: 1) Your numbers are wrong. 2) You have a metering problem. 3) You are using more electricity than you thought. If I had to guess, I'd say it's #3, but it could be any or all. Tom
I'm not sure how you're figuring we're using more than we think - my point is that it is showing that we are using much LESS than I think. I expect it to show that we are using 20kWh per day. We are producing 25kWh per day, so at most APS should be getting 5kWh per day from us. Instead, their meter shows that they have received 99kWh from us - out of 119kWh we have produced, they have received all but 20kWh of it. So we're only using 4kWh that we produce each day, the rest is going to APS. Their meter also shows that we have received from them 25kWh between Wednesday and Sunday - so 5kWh per day from them. 5kWh per day FROM the grid plus the 4kWh per day that we are producing - so we are only using 9kWh per day? That's less than half of what I expect that we would use. So it's definitely NOT #3. I believe we should be using 20kWh per day and the numbers are showing that we are using 9kWh per day. It doesn't sound right, and if there is an error it is in our favor.
Ah, I see. I got lost in the convolutions of your first post. Well, either way, there is no magic in power generation. Either your energy usage is different than expected, or something is wrong with your metering. If you think there is a problem, then you will have to roll up your sleeves or bring in technical help. Tom
Your fridge is probably using somewhere around 1.5 kWh/day. If you're not running the AC and you've done some optimization in preparation for the PV array it's quite possible that you're using only 9 kWh/day. Do you know what your computers and TV draw? 9 kWh/day seems pretty reasonable for this time of year. You might wanna have them come check out the metering systems. If they thinks it's in your favour I'm sure that they'll be quite motivated to fix it. Congrats on the system being up and running. Very cool.
I am very envious of your system Any chance you can turn it back off though, and restart it 1/1/09 to qualify for the larger tax credit? I'd say your numbers are probably about right. If you are basing your 20kWh/day in Oct on historical data, you have to keep in mind that just because thats the average it doesn't mean you'll ever actually use that in a day. You may be something like 9-10kWh w/o AC, and 30-40 with. Since we often have some AC use particularly in the beginning of Oct, thats going to pull the monthly average up. You would still expect to be below the average toward the end of the month when the AC is off. Does that sound plausible? Rob
Hi there, well first off you need a little info that the Solar folks never told you .... 1 - You will NEVER get the full rated power out of your system, UNLESS its and absolutly clear day, with NO SMOG and in the summer when the sun is right above you. SMOG will decrease the rated output by as much as 15 - 20%. 2 - You NEED to every once in a while CLEAN off the solar panels. After a little dust builds up, down goes the power. I hose off my system every Saturday morning. I read the computer before cleaning and usually regain about 750 watts of power every cleaning. Think about that, it really adds up!! 3 - The power starts up low at first usable light ramps up to its potential MAX during the day and drops down by the end of the day. 4 - Do you have a central monitoring system, such as a dedicated computer or other display system in the house so you can monitor the output of your system? Its really necessary, it will cost a couple of bucks more, pay it, you will be glad you did in the long run!! I installed a 7.5 kW system on my home in Aug 2004, and year to date I have generated over 65,000 kWh of power. My yearly power bill is about $300.00 total! You need to invest in a device called a Kill-a-watt meter to measure exactly how much power any device in your home is consuming. Get rid of those incandescant bulbs and switch over to fluorescent ones... big savings there. Plug the refrigerator into the meter and see what it draws. If you have old energy hog appliances, get rid of them and replace with energy star units. Stop leaving things on that draw power and your not using. Check how many wall vampires are plugged in, you know those little power supplies that are plugged into telephones, routers, etc. Its amazing how much you waste without realising it! You are going have to do a little work, but if you really tackle the problem, you too will be getting letters from your power company like I have, stating that due to the fact you generated more than you have used, there will be no power bill this month!!! It takes 1.1 kW to make my power meter disk stand still, dead in its tracks. anything more than that, the meter runs backwards, my gain, NO PAYEE!!! PM me for some more ideas. I applaud you for your efforts, your 3/4 of the way there, you just have to figure out the little details, like I did, to make your system work for you!!! Good Luck es 73 de Pat KK6PD
I can't quite figure out all the numbers, and now my head hurts. Best thing to do is ask your utility or PV installer to explain it to you. I do this somewhat regularly for our customers. Helps to let it go for a month or more and have a bill in front of you. I take my readings once per month and record them. The day-to-day stuff just gets too cumbersom and confusing. You can still qualify if your final invoice is dated in 2009. If your installer didn't mention this, they've done you some financial harm.
Hmmm...I could probably get the company to invoice me for something in 2009. We would have waited to turn it on but the solar people are carrying the $18,000 rebate for us and they needed it sooner rather than later. We have a kill-a-watt and have used it to find the energy vampires. We reduced our usage during the summer quite a bit by adding solar shades to our windows, getting a more efficient refrigerator and installing programmable thermostats. We brought our August bill from 1900 in 2007 to 1450 in 2008. I just didn't think the changes we made would be enough to bring winter usage from 600/month to 300/month. I guess it's possible, though. From the numbers I have seen, we are getting what we expected to get - I was thinking on average 30kWh/day. Less now, around 25kWh and more in the summer, around 35kWh. That all seems to line up with what we're seeing. The one thing that confuses me is that meter not running backwards. I am not sure why it would go to 380 to 405 if we have indeed sold 99 to the grid. I would expect it to start moving backwards.
If your meter is not running backwards, either you are still using more than you generate, or the meter is defective and needs to be replaced. How can you get credit for your efforts if the meter does not measure the voltage your are backfeeding into the grid. With the the meter you have you will never get a break from the power company!!! A good test is to kill all the breakers in the house EXCEPT the one that feeds the solar inverter, and then see if you turn backward and the meter should begin to count down. It that does not work your screwed!@!. Do you have a analog or digital meter?? Pat KK6PD
It's a digital meter. Here are the instructions for reading it: http://www.aps.com/main/green/choice/choice_11.html The meter tells us these things: how much APS has given us (was 380, now 405) how much APS has given us peak hours (was 60, still 60) how much APS has received (was 0, now 99) how much APS has received peak hours (was 0, now 69) The second meter tells us one number: how much power produced by the PV system. That number has gone up consistently each day and was at 119 yesterday afternoon. I checked the meter on Wednesday when I got home from work and it told us APS has given us 380, of which 60 were peak hours. Since Wednesday, it has gone to 405, so APS has given us 25. None of them were peak hours, since the second number is still at 60. The number they have received was 99, of which 69 were peak hours. So my thought is that you would take 380 and subtract 99, but that isn't what happened. If they gave us 25 but we gave them 99, that should have pushed the number down from 380 to 281, shouldn't it? I e-mailed our solar people and they are going to look into it. It would seem that everything is working except the meter spinning backwards part. I thought that is what happened, but I suppose it's possible that they don't set it to go backwards and just do the credit on the accounting end. In which case there really isn't a reason for a bidrectional meter. We are getting credit for the voltage we are backfeeding into the grid - when the meter reader comes out, he'll see the kWh given back and how many at peak. That is being measured and credited, but it isn't being applied against the hours used.
I suppose it does, it's just odd to me. We probably were running the a/c last year at the beginning of October. We haven't run it at all this October, except for about 3 hours in my photo studio. I guess taking away the a/c, plus a small change due to the more efficient refrigerator and light bulbs would be enough to push it down to 10kWh/day. The one thing I'm absolutely certain of is that we are producing a LOT more than we are using! That's good since we can bank it for those summer months when I'm sure we're going to fall short.
What a piece of crap meter. Leave it to the power company to give you a thing like that, all its going to do is favor the power company. I would ask, no demand that a standard analog meter be put back in and used. Good luck getting a return on your investment. I know what my system is capable of producing and with a meter like that even I would end up on the short end of the stick!!! I am just glad that Glendale (CA) gave me a choice, and I stuck with Analog. With your meter they are just going to double talk you out of money!!! Really good luck de Pat KK6PD
I think I've figured out the problem. When they said "bi-directional" I assumed that the meter would spin in two directions. In actuality, bi-directional just means that it measure the power going in two directions. So long as it tells us how much is going their way and how much is coming our way, we have the necessary information to measure usage. We really have MORE information than a meter that just spins backwards - we can see how much we are using and how much is on peak as well as how much we are giving them and how much is on peak. The numbers do work out, compared with the dedicated PV meter it looks like they are buying a LOT of the energy generated by our system. This afternoon we're up to 147kWh generated total, and they've bought 125kWh. The kWh APS give us goes up during the times when the solar is not working. The kWh we give them goes up during the times when it is working. At the end of the month they'll take the hours they give us minus the hours we give them, and credit us for the excess.