This is just a short reminder for new posters: Please include the subject of your post in the thread title. Titles such as "Please Help" or "Question?" are not very useful. Something like "Question: Why purple battery bars?", or simply "Why purple battery bars?" works much better and is less likely to be skipped over by an experienced member who has clicked on way to many "Question" links. :wave: Tom
I'm almost sure this point has been made before, but it stands to be repeated for all the recent new members. Tom doesn't come right out and say he won't read those with a vague title, but I will. I have to pick and choose what I read or I'd spend way too much time here (if I don't already). I primarily read only those threads that interest me or where I think I can help out. It's like a newspaper. The title is your headline. A headline entitled simply "Budget" or "Disagreement" doesn't help much. Much better is "Congress at Budget Impasse."
brand new to forum, looking for info re: seat covers, best kind etc Hi All, I am a new member, have had 2007 Prius (named Lambchop) a year, have a million questions, glad to find this forum. My milage hadn't been that great, but then I drove to Oregon from CA, a 9 hour drive and got 57.4 miles per gal and was very excited--I had read somewhere about smoooooth driving, so tried it. Also slowed down. But I will start out with one question re: the seat covers and then check this site for previous posts re: all the moving little pictures on that screen. I looked at GT seat covers and wonder which is best--real leather, fake leather, micro stuff? Lamb's wool? I prefer something that fits like a glove and is easy to clean and comfortable, as I am becoming more and more delicate as I age. Thank you, Jill
Hello,I meant the title of a thread as it appears in the list of threads. Can that be edited by the poster who initiated the thread? I haven't yet found much need for editing the body of a message, but I'm glad that if I post something really stupid, I won't have to eat my words. I prefer editable over edible when it comes to putting my foot in my mouth.
I don't know of a way for the OP to edit the thread title. You can message one of the moderators and ask them to do it. Tom
Yeah, hit us up and we'll change it. The easiest way is to report your own thread by clicking the button and then saying something like, "please change the title of this thread to ". . . ". This works very well because in the report we receive is a link back to the thread itself. This way, we don't have to go looking for it. Also, if I can make one request, please be somewhat specific in what you want us to change it to. Sometimes, people seem to think that we're their all-knowing mothers when they send a PM something like, "I accidentally double-posted. Please delete one of them." No reference to what they double-posted or where we would find it. In case anyone's wondering, we removed the ability of a non-Mod to edit/rename/delete threads a couple years back when a disgruntled ex-member spent a good deal of time editing and deleting their thread history. One of us noticed weird posts as they were about halfway through and we were able to suspend them before they finished but a lot of damage was done to the threads and the conversations they contained.