I would like to put Racing Moon hub caps on my 2008 Prius. I know that they dont make them for the OEM rims, so I am looking for help to find rims that will fit the Prius and accept the Moons. Does anyone have a suggestion of where I might go or who to check with to find the right combination?
I started the project of putting baby moons on my Prius a long time ago with the help of my friend Jack Kelly, but only finished it recently. I bought some 'screw-on racing discs' from HubcapMike.com and attached them to the trim rings with bolts and some exterior double-sided tape. With the help of some plastic bicycle tire levers, they pop right off. There's probably some neglegible aerodynamic effect, but I did it for the looks. edit: A number of others have done the same thing, and there are several threads in this modifications forum discussing 'racing discs', along with some comments from the peanut gallery. A search should lead you right to the threads.
The instructions for this, with photos, are here. I had no trouble following them, and was quite pleased with the result.
Thought I saw an earlier thread that had the hubcaps from a different source than Hubcap Mike that cost signficantly less. Anyhow, the procedure is quite easy, and the result looks great.
I have Hubcap Mike's racing discs on my 05 silver Prius, and get a lot of looks and comments. It probably took all of 30 minutes to install. Remove the OEM trim ring. Center the disc on top of the ring, and then mark the holes to drill through. The discs come with 3 equi-distant holes predrilled. Using the same size drill as the hole in the disc, drill through the trim ring. Attach the discs using 3/16(?) pop rivets with washers to match (avail at any hardware store). Pop the rings back on the car and you are good to go.
here is a photo of my 05 silver. My son is 16 and his buddies all tell me they like my car, so I suppose it is somewhat "cool"...