Hi all, I'm a bit confused about the smartkey locking/alarm setting. If I lock the doors using the door handle button, does that set the alarm also, or do I have to use the lock button on the key fob to set the alarm? If I close the door but do not lock it, will the alarm automatically be set? I hope not---that was how an earlier Toyota Celica worked, and it was infuriating. I would go to the car wash, for example, and after the car went through, they couldn't open the door without the alarm going off. Stupid. Thanks, Lisa
Hi Lisa,you should be able to set the alarm with the black button, the key fob or by pressing the lock button on the inside door as you exit the car. After 30 sec delay the security light in the dash should start to blink. As for the alarm resetting itself,it is turned off by default and should not work unless somebody has reset the system with a scan tool by going into "Customization".