Maybe it is possible to have too small of a car: Smart car is damaged when flipped by vandals : Police Blotter : The Buffalo News
People think just because its so small it has to get great MPG..In my opinion they can have them I don't like them at all.... way to small...
My ex told the story of how he and his friends, back in Catholic school, put the priest's VW bug sideways in the narthex of the church. Nothing really changes...
It's a horrible example of disrespecting someone's property. Does it matter what kind of car it is? If someone flips a Smart Car, shoots out the tail lights of a Prius (I believe this was mentioned in a thread a few months ago), or sets fire to an SUV?
I had college kids messed around with mine.. They thought it was funny... until I called the cops to set up a trap and had them expelled from the complex.
Takes me back to high school when we moved the history teacher's Mini upstairs and into a classroom - we did pick a room that had double doors. Took them absolutely ages to get it back into the car park.
With this Smart car, I think the bottom line is that it was most-likely teenagers, and as we all know, teenagers will get into trouble regardless of what kind of car is parked on the street. I don't think we should read into this too much. If the only car on the street had been an H2, they probably would have siphoned the gas out of it (primarily as a prank; not primarily as theft). Now that this has made it into the news, insurance companies no doubtedly will use this to justify increased insurance rates for the Smart. When I was in junior high, I was a prankster myself, but ever since I was about 17 years old, I've felt that vandalism is terrible. People spend hundreds of hours working to build things and someone ruins it in a matter of seconds. If I caught those kids, first I'd probably tackle them (uneasily) onto the pavement, then use my cell phone to call the police. I'm sure the police probably wouldn't go easy on them either. I'm glad to see that more and more crimes these days are being caught on surveillance cameras. The article is far too brief and undetailed, but I hope the owner caught it on a surveillance camera. My Corolla's alarm is so sensitive that if a bird lands on it (I've seen it happen), the alarm will go off, and it's loud enough that I can hear it from inside my house and respond without delay. There's a kid in my neighborhood who used to drive down our street with a loud muffler and set off my alarm. One day, I ran out, jumped in my car and followed him to his house. I told him if he ever set my alarm off again, I was going to call the police now that I know where he lives. Since then I've haven't seen him drive down my street again. lol. I've seen a original VW bug moved before with rollers. The guy parked in front of a residence and the guys who lived there moved his car across and down the street. No one saw what happened when the guy came back. This is unfortunate. I saw three Smart cars yesterday. Although I think they could be a little bit bigger and better styled, I like them. As I've said before, I think a Mini Cooper and the smallest Yaris are the perfect sized (exterior volume) cars.
Car "pranks" (read: damage) has always been done.. Even way back in 1958 here in the UK...