I just purchased a DICE iPod integration kit from Priuschat.com shop and I hooked it up to my 2005 Prius, the music played for about 5 seconds, and just when I was about to put everything back together, the audio system completely shut down. And now neither the DICE nor the audio system on my Prius is working. I cannot turn audio back on. There are no beeps from the MFD, no radio, no clock, nothing. I'm still in shock... and crying.... Any ideas? Anybody.... :Cry:
Try unplugging the negative terminal on your battery for about 1 minute. See if it resets. I would try that first. Next check for blown fuse for your Dome light & Radio. I know on your 2nd gen prius you have to dig under neath drivers side footwell.
I almost forgot, these DICE units are quite unreliable. I was going to get one for my Classic, but I have read nightmare stories from my pals on Yahoo Prius Groups, and many advise against it. A temporary fix is to unplug the DICE unit, unplug the negative for your battery, then plug the DICE unit in, the Plug in your negative. It resets the DICE unit. But it will crap out again within a few minutes or days. I strongly recommend returning it until their quality improves. I suspect whatever causes the glitch cannot be good for long term durability of your MFD. If you look a few posts down you will see a fellow PriusChat member, and she complained of the same thing.
I already tried the fuse, it's not blown. I also tried resetting the DICE and radio, by plugging and unplugging. But it's still dead, and it's not just the audio, it's the clock, wireless entry, power locks, etc. How do you disconnect the negative on the battery, will it reset?
That doesn' NOT sound like a DICE issue, at least not the type most of us experienced. This sounds like a blow fuse...not the one on the DICE, but one of the ones in the fuse box. The DICE specific problems just caused a crash of the MFD/head unit, not the clock/wireless entry, etc. More than likely someone here can look at a wiring diagram and tell you which fuse is shot. But, again, unless you hooked up something crazy wrong I don't think this is related to the DICE.
Wowee, that sounds pretty bad. I agree that this is unlikely to do with the DICE unit, and likely coincidence. The Battery on your Prius I believe is located in the Trunk on the Passenger side under or around the carpet near the tail light. You will need a 10 mm socket to remove the bolt that secures the negative wire to the battery terminal. Leave it for about 1 minute. That should reset everything. PS. Is the car still driveable otherwise? Does your speedo light up at all? Headlights. all of this information will help trace back the source.
in non nav prius, from what i read, the radio serves as the master unit, in the avc-lan and the other devices are 'slave' units... google for prius lan monitor or prius easter egg and posts the codes stored there is a list of codes in the knowledge base. this sounds to me like either the radio has gone bad or with noting else working, the avc lan gateway has gone bad or maybe the avc-lan power circuits everything avc-lan is like a network, with devices, and routers, so to speak. suggestion : remove the device you purchased, clean up your work, deny everything and take it to your dealer to have it repaired under warranty!
What causes the glitch seems to be an assembly error in DICE's vehicle-specific harness. You fix it by cutting one wire (in the harness that comes with the DICE, not the car's wiring). In my experience it is very reliable after that fix. I drive a Classic and I have not tested the fix in a G2, but I would expect it to work there too. -Chap
I checked all the fuse in the panel box and none were blown. So I took the car to the dealer and they told me that it was the Dome fuse in the main fuse box that was blown. So that was good to know. As for the DICE, I'm definitely returning it. Thanks!!!