Chevrolet Volt E-Flex to get Star Trek sound effects : Product Reviews Net Gosh darn, it sure sounds like they are taking this issue seriously and treating it with the care and respect it deserves. Bob Wilson
I'll be surprised if that one hits production. On the other hand, the Prius could use the sound of the Jetsons' saucer.
That sounds like it would get old really quick. The backup beep got neutered the first day I bought my prius in 04. I for one like the peace and quite at a red light I would hate to listen to a bunch of sound effects every time I stopped.
I am in love with the silence. Now they want to add noise to bother me without asking if I want it? Sounds like a Soviet planned economy of noise to me.
Clippity-clop of horses' hooves, with the speed tied to that of the vehicle. Adding a neigh or winnie if a pedestrian needs a bigger clue. A vote for nostalgia over neutrinos.
bwilson4web, In another thread I have thanked you on behalf of all hybrid-PHEV-EV owners, present and future, for the work you've done on balancing the regulatory record on this senseless idea. Again, a thousand thanks. I live in a section of Ballamer that was developed in the 1930s-40s. Mostly modest single family dwellings -- with teeny-tiny closets. For the most part it is a quiet neighborhood. Well, except on summer late afternoons and early evenings. Then it becomes a sonic battleground as two competing soft ice cream vendor trucks vie for the kid's allowances. You can hear them from half a mile away. One plays the whistle song, Colonel Bogey's March from the movie, The Bridge over the River Kwai. The other plays the Souza March that has the refrain, "That duck maybe somebody's mother..." over and over and over again as they criss-cross the neighborhood. I don't expect that there will ever be a Volt in this area. But there are a Prius, a Hylander hybrid, and a Civic hybrid within two blocks of my house. I simply can't imagine the wholly meaningless racket as the four of us drive about if we're required to announce our presence and progress. We'll probably be keyed, toilet papered, and/or maybe even shot at. Chevy is encouraging pure sensationalism even suggesting that they would go along with a broadcast sound requirement. Choosing Star Wars sounds is simply pandering in a desperate attempt to gin up interest in the Volt. What a despicable, monstrously stupid, self-serving, money-grubbung idea this is.
That is a brain dead idea. Most modern gas engines are very quiet. The sound of the tires rolling on the road is much louder than most engines at slow speeds. The tires make the same noise no matter what type of engine there is, gas or electric.
Mr. Truthiness expresses my opinion on this subject. Bob Wilson ps. It amazing that my wife continues to put up with me after 31 years.
Oh yeah I can see , well rather hear it now .... 0, 0, 0, DESTRUCT, 0 Oh wait abor ... BOOM! Next 73 de Pat KK6PD
When driving at low speed we should be required to have a man walk before us, swinging a red lantern and shouting, "Ahoy, ahoy!". (Can they do that with holograms?)
How about a chain flail like they use on tanks for clearing mines? That would move any pedestrians out of the way, and make a lot of noise in the process. Tom
I thought it would be nice to have the car sound like a running stream of water. But on second thought it also might sound like you were driving a toilet.