I'm really having trouble deciding which winter tire to buy for my '08 Touring. I know folks who report good experience with the Michelins, but I've been hearing really excellent reports on the Nokians (which I know are a new model). Any comments or suggestions would be most appreciated!
Tirerack.com recently posted results of a test that included the XIce Xi2 (new replacement for the XIce), the Blizzak WS60, Goodyear UltraGrip, and the Nokian (which they don't sell). They ranked them Michelin, Blizzak, Nokian, and Goodyear (best to worst). Here's a link: Michelin X-Ice Xi2 Introductory Drive I no longer have a Prius, but ran Blizzaks on them when I owned them, and still do on my wife's HyCam. I just bought XIce Xi2's on wheels from tirerack for my Miata, but have not yet installed them. rpm
I can't comment on the Michelin - but the Nokian Hakkas are excellent tires. They are very popular here in Vermont. I have used them for years on various cars and trucks with very good results - both performance and lifespan. One thing about the Hakka R to keep in mind is that in addition to being an excellent un-studded snow and ice tire, it is also a low rolling resistance tire which tipped me over to the Hakka R versus the Hakka 5.
The Hakkapallitta's are killer. I live in the mountains and take the Prius when I go skiing. It wouldn't even move up my driveway before I got the Hakka's and I'd have to take the Durango. After I put the Hakka's on, I sold the Durango.
I just put Michelin X-Ice Xi2 on my 2008 Prius. I have used the same make on a Camry and Rav and they were great and the Xi2 are supposed to be better.
just got the Nokian RSi installed on my friend's car. They seem quieter than my WRs... No chance to try them yet but it's expect to snow soon...