thanks godiva.... hadn't thought about the electricity vampire .... will pass the word on. Happy Halloween! Black Prius 2007, pkg 6
We've started killing power strips at night to cut down on ghost loads. If you've got a kill-o-watt (or something similar) you can see just how bad some of these loads can be.
I just unplug anything I don't use on a regular basis. I've got the stereo on a plug strip so that's off. The iron is unplugged. Not much I can do about the microwave.
It's heating season here; that time of year where I stop worrying about ghost loads and lights. Once we start heating, it's all the same as electric heat. Tom
More powerful than the neighbor's little yippy girly dog. Able to leap tall fire hydrants with a single bound. Stops tasty treats with his bare teeth. And since this is the environmental forum: recycles my leftovers.
Was the superhero asleep on the job when they stole your planter? At least he looks up for the job now.
20-35% Afghan Hound 20-35% Boston Terrier 10-20% each: Keeshond, Scottish Terrier, less than 10% each: Weimeraner, Dalmation, Chihuahua I know who I am.
The planters were outside the gates in the driveway in the alley. He was inside the gates protecting the property. Nothing has been stolen inside. In fact, he has quite a collection of the neighborhood childrens' balls that have come over the fence.
DNA test. Cheap one. $50.00. Spit. The more expensive blood tests would be more accurate, but this is good enough for me.
Did anyone see a trick-or-treater dressed up as a Prius? I think the most exciting costumes I saw were one kid in a cardboard box painted to look like an iPhone (and he did a good job!), and another kid dressed as Anton from No Country For Old Men.
So if you have your computers, phone, lamps, etc. plugged into a power strip, and you press the OFF button when your appliances aren't in use, is that sufficient to cut off the power flow?
That's really cute! Thanks for sharing! I miss my old dog. Happy halloween! __________________ Partstrain Halloween Sale