Hello. I recently picked up my 2009 Prius which was supposed to have Sirius Satellite Radio installed in it. Not only was it not installed upon pickup, but now I am being told that Toyota sent out a nation wide memo suspending all Sirius Satellite installations in 2009 Priuses. Has anybody heard anything along the same lines? If so, when will it be available? Thanks, Jeff
This is a random guess, but they may be gearing up to switch the dealer install process from the OEM receiver units, to the SC-C1/TOY-SC1. At the moment, the TOY-SC1 is basically sold out nationwide, but sellers seem to be saying "just a few weeks and we'll have some". Another possibility is a compatibility problem between the OEM receiver and 2009s specifically. Or it could be that Toyota hates you.
Another random guess--what's going on with the Sirius/XM merger? Are they rolling out new combo units to new customers?
Yes, the Sirius units have not been available for some time through Toyota. They stopped manufacturing them sometime in the summer. No replacement is expected to come out for it.
Ooo, I better sell my receiver soon then, while people can still get fit kits for them. I took the OEM receiver out of my 2007 before trading it in, but ended up ordering the SC-C1/TOY-SC1 for my 2009 instead.
Get yourself a big IPOD or MP3 Player and fill it up with all the music YOU want to hear and skip the Sirius. I had it in a PT Cruiser I had and after a month I was sick of hearing the Carpenters and Olivia Newton John! I have an MP3 Player with several hundred of my favorite songs and I just put it on shuttle and listen away to the stuff I want to hear.
You heard it here, folks. YOU don't want to listen to satellite radio. YOU want to listen to your your iPod instead. YOU don't want to listen to Olivia Newton John, which is on all Sirius channels, even CNN Headline News, oddly enough.
Yes, even the news and sports stations on satellite radio have the Carpenters nonstop. What a ripoff!
So, when the merger happens, we don't need new equipment to receive Sirius/and/or XM? I can't get a straight answer from Sirius PS-- Sirius Channel 118. Old-time radio dramas, etc. A real hoot. Better than the Carpenters. Also, there's a 24-hour E Street Station for Bruce fans!
I hear that when the merger is finalized sirius is going to have twice as many Carpenters channels and 17 Olivia Newton John channels... AWESOME. All for only $13.95.
Not sure about OEM, though I may have an answer tomorrow. However, my SC-C1 arrived today and I'm in the process of activating it. I can choose between Everything, Everything plus Best Of, Family Friendly or Special Interest packages... but not A La Carte ("This package is not compatible with your current radio."). EDIT: OEM is NOT best-of or a la carte compatible. You just have the option of Everything, Family Friendly, or Special Interest.
I had XM & Sirius after market receivers in my '96 Corolla & never had a reception problem only in specific spots, which I could tell you when the signal would lapse. So, when I bought the Pri, I didn't want the wires & extra mounts etc & have always enjoyed Sirius more than XM, so I had only Sirius installed. I had nothing but more signal drops that are in unpredictable places, reciever is really slow when you tune via the radio nob, and taking my car to another dealership found nothing wrong with the install. Any one else experience this type of problem or can offer advice? Very frustrating situation.