This morning after filling up my car and then looking at the scanguage's fuel tank data, I decided to reset it and start over. When I did, all **** broke loose. I got a check engine light and a red triangle. Also the following two codes can up: U0100 and P0000. I tried to see what they stood for, but no luck. The scanguage did reset. Not knowing what I should do next, I decided to clear the codes and see if that turned off all the warning lights and it did. The car started and appears normal again. Will not really know until I leave work for home. Any thoughts? AF1PRIUS
Sure sounds like the Scangauge put something on the CAN bus that the car did not like. I've sometimes wondered how much of a hazard of that sort of thing there might be--especially if one has XGauges for another model of car loaded. Which exact reset did you issue?
After I scanned for the codes, I just cleared them and all warning lights went out. I started the car (turn the power on) and the engine started and no more warning lights lights came back on so, I am hoping that when I drive home after work, all will be well.