Hi everyone, I have been a long time reader and have enjoyed this site. I bought a 2007 Prius and the dealership only gave me one key. I didn't argue because there was a line of other people waiting to buy the car this summer. Anyways, my only key was stolen today at work off of my desk today. I realized this and immediately had the car towed to the dealership because I did not want it stolen. They quoted me 800 DOLLARS FOR 2 KEYS! But after talking to the sales manager he agreed to charge only 400 because I should have received two keys to start with. So is this reasonable? I feel sick to my stomach about it. I need the car ASAP, but do you think I should offer a reward for the stolen key in hopes it would be returned? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone!
What is the immoblizer? They said it was 400 because they have to recode the car not to unlock to the old key instead of just activating the new keys.
The immobilizer ECU is responsible for recognizing your fob and allowing your car doors to be opened, allowing the car's ignition to turn on, etc. Since you don't have any authorized fobs on hand, the ECU has to be reprogrammed so that it will not accept the stolen fob and will accept the new fobs. MSRP of a fob is around $200 each; plus labor time involved in reprogramming the immobilizer ECU.
You have package 2? So that means no sks, right? Seem high for not having to program sks in addition to doors and ignition. The non-sks fobs are a little less than $200 aren't they? Anyway, back in the day (2004) if you didn't have a fob, they'd replace your entire ECU, and that's when it REALLY got expensive. First thing, buy a 3rd fob ... just in case.
I have Toyota Prius keys available. They have the black toyota logo on the back and aren't smart keys. The manual door lock key is already cut though so it won't fit your vehicle. I have programmed used keys to Toyota Prius before. If I were you I would go to a locksmith and ask them instead of the dealer. $400 for 2 keys and including the programmer is kind of pricey but no too bad. $300 sounds more reasonable for all that. If you want purchase my spare keys let me know thanks