I used to have a friend, we'll call him "Al", who once asked me to put a bunch of stuff in a large underground vault I owned. Well, Mr. Capone never got back to me so I just filled the whole thing in with dirt and forgot about it. Ok, seriously, no I've never been asked. I don't have a safe at home but have a safety deposit box at my bank.
I have had safes for years... and a box at the bank. The house has one and I put in a large one in the garage... I used to be a gun dealer and an auctioneer, sooooo I often had valuables to secure from "disappearing" or out of the way from youngsters. Recently, a buddy asked me to put some papers in my safe and it got me to wondering...
yes of course. best bet of "safes" (since they are actually far from it) get something small, FIRE RESISTANT, and easy to hide, or one that is disguised. the only thing i put in one is things i dont want burned up. my safe has actually saved my DD214 (military discharge papers) passport, various shot records, irreplaceable pictures and other paraphernalia of my life from burning up once in my distant past... there was smoke damage, but was minimal