Toyota UK posted this news item in their newsletter to Toyota owners today, which is how I got the article. Full phv Prius maybe ?? Toyota has teamed up with EDF Energy to trial the UK's first Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle (PHV)..... Hybrid: Fully charged
Is this car a 2009? The headlights/lamps have a noticable upwards bulge. Or is this a feature of the Euro models?
there are 40 charging stations, but no mention about where you buy hydrogen, especially during a 500+ mile trip. Is H2 available widely in the UK?
Neat! I'd love to see this up close and personal. Of course, it may be the first Toyota made PHEV in the UK - but certainly not the first! I drove a PHEV about two years ago and am converting my Prius right now! Nikki.
No. I wouldn't know a Hyrdrogen fill up if I tripped over it. I think California must be well ahead of what they are contemplating here, but I would still like one
Evan, I think that we may both be right on this. Perhaps it was first seen in ads and such a year ago, but... Today in my parking garage, I saw a silver Prius with temp tags that said it was a 2009. I looked at the headlights/lamps and they did have an upward bulge, maybe 1/2-3/4 of an inch, sort of a "huntched shoulder" look, not blending really smoothly with the hood from side to side. [Edit] Kind of like the car is wearing an uplift bra! I can't see Toyota doing new lights for just one year, 2009. I wonder if these lights are a preview of the 2010 PHEV?