I've done a search and cannot find this answer -- I've had my 2009 package 6 for 2 weeks now and when a phone call comes in, or when I make a call, am I able to temporarily disconnect the bluetooth so that my passenger can have a private conversation using the handset? Thanks for any help you can offer.
yes there should be some kind of 'transfer' button on either on the prius or the phone or both, look for that 'transfer' button and you will be set, test it a couple times to ensure it works.
its on my car. i call someone, i get a talking screen, it has 4 keys on the right hand side of the screen, 0-9 (for dialing touch tones) mute, transfer call, and hang up. on my phone i also have a transfer call function if you are seeing the 'dial pad' screen press the 'back arrow' on top and that might get you to the 'talking screen' if you went somewhere else, like fuel economy, audio, if you press the left phone button on the steering wheel, it should go back to the 'talking screen' where the transfer call button is located
Maybe it's me...I just tried calling myself from the house phone half a dozen times and when I press "transfer" it hangs up. I'll try again later.
yeah the prius bluetooth compatibility isn't the best in the world. if you go to toyota.letstalk.com you can look up other phones where the transfer call button works keep looking on the phone to see if there is a transfer to phone, or switch to phone button. if your still stuck.. you can try getting to the phone's main menu, and turn off its bluetooth, that might do the trick
a lot of phones won't let you get to the main menu, or settings menu, while your talking on the phone though.
Keep in mind that often the problem is with the phone, not the car. Compatibility is a two way street. Tom
I've been looking at Toyota.let'stalk.com and my very old phone won't do what I want. Time to get a new phone! Thanks for the help, gentlemen!
when i look at the compatibility chart, the only bluetooth feature that i can 100 % blame on the phone is probably transferring the phone book. a lot of other stuff, it seems to be the prius's fault. a good example is battery level & signal strength. my $5 blue tooth adapter works but my car doesn't i bet we are all running circa 2004 prius bluetooth software, which has never seen an update. if anyone has any techinical service bulletins on the bluetooth module or current software versions, please post the information. i would rather take my car to the dealer to get a free upgrade vs buy an at&t tilt or an iphone and 2 year contract, just to get a basic feature, like a battery level display another feature i can blame 100 % on the phone would be roaming status not being reported to the prius, because in reality there is no way to roam anyway with some cellular carriers