To all Prius Chat Members, There is a very limited supply of Highlander Hybrids across the entire United States. I will kindly take all orders from Prius Chat members first, however there are not many available to us, it will be on a first come first serve basis. There has been no release of Pricing or Build dates...however, we are expecting our first shipment in Mid June. Let Me know how I can help. Regards, Kent Cochran Internet Sales Manager 970-302-8711 888-872-5201
number allocated? When you say that there are only 1600 Hybrid Highlanders allocated - is that total number of HH's that will be produced for sale in the US in 2005, or is that the number allocated for internet sales?
I had spoken with our Inventory Manager about them last week and he told me we are supposed to be getting about 20. Don't know if you need to preorder 1st tho. I don't keep up much on that info. :roll:
Yes that is correct there is a very limited number across the nation is what I am being told. To get on our ordering list feel free to contact me. Regards Kent Cochran Internet Sales Manager 970-302-8711
I think Kent misunderstood or wasn't clear about that 1600 number. Dianne posted at Prius 2G Yahoo Group yesterday that there are 1680 HH allocated for Southern California. Ricky Hirose at Prius Online has said that there are 1600 allocated. He's in the Northern California Region. Unless there's also a central or Western, or Eastern Region I read that as ~3280 HHs allocated to California. I believe I've seen numbers like 6000 thrown around for total '06 model year HHs to be sold in the US. Again, I do not have hard numbers or a source for that.