Yesterday I was at work and received a call telling my other Prius was in a bad accident. Took me about 15 min to get to the location of the accident. A 25 year old female driver was talking on her cell phone and ran the red light and hit my car square on the driver side front quarter panel. It pushed my car far enough that the front passenger side quarter panel was crunched by the car it was pushed into. Drivers door opens about 1 foot and the passenger door opens about 2 inches. I will find out in a day or so if it is fixable or not. They said it will take 3 to 4 weeks to fix if it can be fixed. Her boyfriend showed up and saw the mess his car was in and it didn't look like he was letting her off to easy. Spent today getting my backup taxi (gas guzzling Honda Accord) safeteed and wired up for our computer GPS dispatch system. Hopefully it passes the emissions test tomorrow. Going to be painful forking out twice as much for gas over the next 4 weeks. My driver had a cut on his ear and sore ribs and neck. He was lucky that he wasn't hurt worse. Another thing-- This is the 3rd Prius taxi I have seen in a serious accident and all 3 times the air bags never deployed. Anyone else hear of that problem. One of the accidents the Prius rear ended a truck and was crunched pretty good.
Does your car have side curtain airbags and the drivers side didn't deploy? That would be bad. I don't see why front bags would deploy from a side impact like you described.
Sancarlos----My car has the side airbags. Maybe you have to be hit on the side door and not the quarter panel for them to work. My driver hit his head and has had a headache ever since. I will be taking pictures and sending them to Toyota.
If the impact was hard enough that your driver hit his head it seems to me they should have deployed. Please keep us posted what Toyota answers regarding this.
I have to get a new card reader for my computer but should get the photo off to Toyota within a few days.
Sorry to hear about your accident. The side airbag sensor is on the B pillar so if that was not impacted, that might explain why the side airbag did not trigger.
the front quarter panel won't set off the side airbag. The sensor is in the B-pillar. Hopefully your driver will recover from his headaches.
Tideland-- Thanks for the info. I figured with such a hard hit that it would go off but I guess the hit has to be closer to the driver or passenger to set it off.
Was recently in a similar accident with my 2008 (was a Chihuaua, not a cell phone, but you get the idea); other driver turned left into me. Hit on the B pillar, and let me tell ya, when the side bags go off, they go off with authority. Between the seat bag causing the seat to explode and the side curtain causing the roof to explode, it's pretty wild, definitely a lot of airborne debris whipping by. The curtain went off hard enough to just about put me into the passenger seat. So yeah, just to answer your question, they sure do go off. Bummer about your accident, and it did take about 18 days and US $14K to fix mine. Airbags are the most expensive part; for example, if the seat bag goes, the field-replaceable unit is actually the whole seat.
LUCKY1 - very sorry to hear about your loss. here in the so-cal area, we have a law AGAINST talking on the phone (holding a cellphone) while driving, but if you look around, many people are doing just that. Hope your prius is NOT totalled and can be repaired quickly. Good luck to your driver and hope he/she heals quickly too.
It sounds totaled to me. It is possible that it would be fixed though since the airbags did not go off.
The side curtain airbags and side airbags are there to prevent serious injury and death, if neither occurred then they weren't needed and may have caused worse injury if they did deploy. Thankfully everyone walked away from this one, I have been to an accident where a driver on the phone sent 4 other people to hospital and 2 came out of hospital in boxes, one of those was only 4 years old. That is why using a hand held phone is illegal in Australia. This is why I show no mercy when I catch a truck driver on the phone. I actually hope your car is written off and you get enough to buy a new one from the insurance.
Patsparks--- I agree about the cell phones. Driving taxi I out of boredom pay attention to who is making the mistakes. Driving 200 to 300km a day around the city you see it all. I have determined that 30% of drivers should have never been licensed. You stick a cell phone in the hands of one of these 30% and they go from being a bad driver to a brutal and extremely dangerous driver. I can guarantee you that 90% of the "cell phone" accidents are being caused by this group of bad drivers that can't afford any distractions at all. It is unfortunate that the rest of us that can drive and safely talk on the cell phone will have to lose the right to do so. Just like we need to be protected from the drunk driver we need to be protected from these drivers. In Ontario they have proposed a ban on several items like Ipods etc. They are still going to allow hands free cell phones which is a joke. Do they actually think that 2 hands on the wheel and being distracted by the cell phone conversation is and different than 1 hand on the wheel and being distracted. I sent an email to one of the MP's that is pushing the bill and told him jokingly that he needs to ban drivers from conversing with passengers in the vehicle. I am sure that if they do a study on how many accidents are caused by a car driven by a lone occupant and how many are caused by cars driven by people who have passengers in their car they would find that the cars being driven by people with passengers cause a much higher percentage of the accidents mostly due to the driver being distracted by the passsengers. As far as my car being a write off that might be ok if it were a normal car. Because it would take me about 8 months to order in a new Prius and I would be driving my gas guzzling Honda Accord for 8 months and paying a small fortune for maintinence, I would be losing thousands on fuel and other expenses. For that reason I hope it is fixable and back on the road in 4 weeks and saving me cash on fuel. My 2 prius taxi's are saving me close to $27,000-- $30,000 a year on fuel and maintinence.
It's kind of amazing how people don't seem to realize what will happen to the dog sitting in their lap if the airbag goes off (even in smaller accidents). From what I'm told, it isn't pretty. It's sad really, since it probably means a lot of dogs are injured/killed due to the owners simple ignorance/negligence. I'm convinced it's closer to 70% (you have to account for the drivers who come under that "I have to get through even though the light I'm headed towards just turned red" mindset easily), and this appears to be due to the emphasis on looking at whats in front of you instead of total situational awareness around you. Cell phones just seem to exacerbate this reduction in awareness. Good luck on getting it fixed.
stupid people on there phone. the worst ones are the texters. I have been guilty of using the phone to talk in the past while driving, but I rarely even use the device anymore..and just went to a cricket pre paid. cell phones stink
I have a good quality hard wired hands free kit in my car which makes all the difference when talking on the phone. If you're not straining to hear the other party then it isn't an imposition on the driver. I'm no scientist so I don't understand why it is but there is something about holding the phone to your ear which causes your concentration to switch from driving to the conversation. I found several times prior to the law against hand held phones that if I was using a hand held phone while driving I would end the conversation and have to take a moment to get my bearings. The phone has dominated my thoughts, this doesn't happen when I use the hands free. There is also the issue of laws which can be enforced. How do you detect a person using a phone with a hands free kit? I often use hands free while stationary at work, leaving both hands free to take notes. A ban on hands free kits would impair my work. Back on topic, Lucky, what ever gets you back on the road soonest then mate, lets hope for that. I was just thinking how hard it is to get a badly crashed car back to driving well.
Pat-- I see your point about getting it to drive good again. I took the car to one of the body shops that work on higher end cars. One of the Prius owners on the fleet has had 2 accidents that were as bad or worse than my accident and he is very happy with the work done by this shop. He was the first one I called after the accident to see where to get the car towed to. Hope they have as much luck getting my Prius back to good working order.
Sorry to hear about the accident. It could have been worse, but I am glad that your driver did not suffer any serious injuries. I hope he gets checked up at the hospital as a know, pain may not appear a few days after the accident. I almost got t-boned by an inattentive honda driver that almost ran a red light as I was making a left turn. I heard the wheels screeching to a stop...and I just had to step on the accelerator to get out of the way.