Here is the ROUTE for the GREEN-PRIX! - Be at the starting point (A) at 10:00 AM. This is who we have signed up so far - please post if I missed you or if I got your info wrong! Team_Name__ Car_Name______ Year Make Model Coming_From_____ Raven______ Dam_Beaver____ 2006 Toyo Prius West Milford, NJ Tbirdhs____ Sparky________ 2008 Toyo Prius North Jersey Kelly_Green Kar_Idea______ 2008 Toyo Prius Yonkers, NY Boo________ Boo___________ 2007 Toyo Prius New York, NY BIGGDOGG___ The_Gray_Ghost 2008 Toyo Prius Morristown, NJ Please let others know about this event - it's open to other hybrids too!
What a grandiose idea, please forward me details of any future events. We have a group at my club that is 'itching' for competition. please forward information and contact details Neddleton