Wednesday night at 11:00 PM CBS Channel 4 in Boston is doing some kind of story and this is what they are using as the attraction to get people to watch! Here we go AGAIN. Really just an FYI if anyone wants to watch. It really aggravates me when they do that.
You can always head them off at the pass and send them all of the debunked myths from Priuschat BEFORE it airs. Maybe they'll do some rewriting in the spirit of accuracy. Better than being taken to task for misinformation after the fact; you can always say it's not like they didn't KNOW what they were broadcasting was wrong.
What are you high?? They don't care. They probably already know better. It's all for the ratings boost that fear can deliver.
Well I sent them a link to the thread anyway Tony, even if it doesn't do any good. At least they know someone knows the truth. Let's see if I get a real response or just a pre-formed acknowledgement.
Remember that this is the same station that did the piece on hypermiling a while ago, and they did a pretty reasonable job on it and seemed genuinely interested in the upside. Of course if different people are doing this one it could be a total FUD- fest. Send them to my "press" link to dig up the particulars on the other WBZ-TV story, and encourage a little bit of consistency in how they report on similar subjects. And make sure they know about all the emergency-response guides the hybrid makers have online too... . _H*
High voltage is not a WMD, these sensationalist reporters are so desperate to 'make' news headlines and anchor stories. Pray to God Neddleton
Unless they are referring to the MFD (driving while distracted), I'm sure that it has probably caused an accident or two. I'm sure that whatever it may be, there is no cause for that kind of sensationalistic journalism, but most "news" sources will do anything to get their ratings up.
there's no way they can bash the MFD.. if you do that, you're bashing every luxury car made... it would sound stupid. ("hey, this car is too cool" isn't bashing)
Most dangerous things in a hybrid vehicle: 1. drinking driver 2. texting driver 3. driver using cellphone (not handsfree) 4. taligaiting driver I think I see a pattern here. . . .