Just curious if anyone from Atlanta frequents the group for local discussions. I'm in Marietta and just delivery on a White #9. Thanks, T
well since there's about two '04 Priuses in the largest city in the South, you won't find much company. I'm still on the waiting list from the godawful World Toyota. They just don't care.
Well so far I have only spotted two in the East Cobb area of town, a white (like mine) and a tideland. But of course I am in SUV land. T
I took delivery of my 2004 Millennium Silver Metallic #9 on 09/20/04. I travel 48 miles one way to work mostly on I-20 and on the 75-85 connector. I travel in the Marietta area as well. Cars I have seen in the past couple of months: Driftwood Pearl at the Computer Show (Cobb Civic Center parking lot), and again at the Wal-mart parking lot off the East-West Connector in Austell (I am not sure if it was the same car). Salsa Red Pearl heading Westbound on I-20 inside the perimeter. Seaside Pearl heading Southbound on the downtown connector. Black Prius parked near the Villa Rica Police Station. Was one of these your car?
I've had my tideland for about 8 months. I don't see many downtown where I live but I'm seeing more and more all the time -- especially in decatur. I also saw a seaside pulling into my building at work in smyrna.
I live up in Kennesaw and I have only seen one Prius (tideland) around my home before. But it seems everytime I'm in Midtown I see several Prius' on the road. I also hear a lot of people complaining about the waiting list but I just bought a black model and in my searching I found like three other dealerships that had atleast one on there lot...just a little FYI for who cares....
I've been driving into Etlanna every day since I got mine a month ago. I'd only ever seen a couple before in the metro area, but about three days after my purchase, I did a double take while leaving work--there was another Tideland Pearl sitting next to me at the stoplight. They're out there, all right. You just have to wait quietly in their natural habitat, and not blink when one happens by.
I'm in Duluth/Alpharetta area. Waiting to take delivery on a Prius. Have been wanting Prius since 2000, but wanted to put 10 years on my Jeep before switching (its a Clark Howard thing). I live off of Ga 141 / Peachtree Industrial and I see *no* Prii or hybrids in my area. I do see a fellow with a red electric and Ga Tech tag on occassion. I am afraid of getting crushed by a Hummer or Navigator in my neighborhood.
I'm starting to see more prii everyday. I haven't been run over by a large vehicle yet but considering how much better my brakes are than theirs, it's only a matter of time.
I've been a Prius owner for about 6 weeks now. I picked up a Driftwood Pearl with package 6 and leather seats from Toyota of Roswell after a 1 week wait. I immediately ordered and installed the XM satellite radio kit from Coastal and so far I'm very happy with my new little electric toy! I have about 1000 miles on the car now and it's going on its first trip this coming weekend to Lake Norman NC. Can't wait. Chuck Lane Roswell, GA
Just want to say "Hello" to the owner of the 2004 Seaside Prius I saw at Zoo Atlanta tonight. I placed a hello note with www.priuschat.com under your windshield, knew it was 2004 cause I was going to place under rear wiper and there was not one. It was Kaiser Permanente night at the zoo, my wife works for Kaiser all over the Northside of Atlanta. Maybe you know her? We call her FoxyMomma.... Later... -BigDaddy