I was kind of shocked. I'm at half a tank, so didn't need to fill, but the local "Bullseye" gas station on my way to work had $1.99/gallon for regular unleaded gas posted on their sign this morning. I'll admit I never expected to see it drop below $2.00 ever again. We're routinely some of the cheapest gas in the country here, so others may not see it that low, but it has just plummetted in price.
WOW I never expected that either. Now that the oil companies, speculators and other greedy people on wall street have succeded in wrecking the economy it will be interesting to see how low things will go. Too bad gas can't stay at a happy median in stead of these wild fluctuations.
Yesterday, here in Kelly-Phone-Ya, I filled our prius at Costco for $2.74 a gallon. If you deduct the 3% we get back from using our AMERICAN EXPRESS / Costco card at the pump, it comes out to about $2.65 a gallon...sweeeet. Maybe it's time to fill up the motorhome???
$2.59 was the cheapest I saw in Michigan yesterday, driving back from Detroit. It was $2.75 in our area. Tom
Wow! $1.99 ~ How do you, "drill baby drill" with prices that low. Hardly likely those prices will pay for new rigs, refineries etc. At least the spike would incentivize investment in those needed resources.
I want $1.99 gas. Cheapest I've seen here is $2.93. In Berkeley this weekend the cheapest I saw was $3.15 at an Exxon.
Gas $1.99/gallon that's cheap. In Montreal $3.78. Elsewhere in Quebec still around $4.00/gallon Will have to move south and buy a big SUV
$2.01 here this morning. I'm not surprised by $1.99 in the Springfield, Mo area, it's been cheaper there for decades. Always tried to fill my tank before leaving town...and limp back in on fumes if I could make it.
Still around $2.70 in Philadelphia. Hopefully this helps the economy out a little before OPEC completely castrates supply.
They won't have the discipline, Chavez and the like already have their production spent at about $100/barrel. How do you think they are feeling about things now? Think they might want to increase the supply a bit?
No. They want to cut supply. Besides, any time their projections are way over what the price actually turns out to be, it's bad for everyone.
Finally beginning to see some gas stations drop below $3 here in New York City.. Heck, I think that's the price I paid when I brought my shiny new '07 Prius home last September, and back then I thought we were already paying too much for gas.
I hear people telling me that i was stupid to get a Prius. How do i feel now that gas is back cheap again? Drove from San Diego up the 15 to the 210, picked up my cousin, to the 5 north up over the Tejon Pass and into the Central Valley all on $17 of gas. The funny thing was that right next to the gas station and the surrounding area you could see oil being pumped.
Drats! I don't feel as smug anymore as I did before every time I fill up ;-). Hmm, wonder what happened to "peak oil"? The vast "overestimation" of the world's reserves by those predicting oil shortages? For the last year or so we were constantly preached by ever so intelligent soothsaying "experts" (who are these "experts"??) to feel lucky we are only paying $3.50/gal and never, never would oil be cheap again. And now some "experts" are predicting $40/bbl oil EVEN with OPEC resisting with all their might. Now that gas is cheap again and a very cold winter is approaching (that means global warming is fixed, right?) I wonder what the next world's next impending doom and gloom-sky is falling problem will be? One thing is certain though, the next "global" issue will have to clearly have to possess a dichotomizing principle between both the American Democratic and Republican parties to maximize fiscal campaign donations and voter turnout. I think someone should bring up overpopulation again. We haven't done that one in a while... and it made a lot of people rich 40 years ago. Rick #4 2006
viking31, Demand dropped off a cliff. Peak oil hasn't left, we've just dropped below the peak on the demand side. I've been expecting this sort of response to global recession, it's just been late in developing. The supply problem will reappear when the global economy and therefore demand recover. The question is when will they recover?