this morning on my way to work i was listening to the radio, then suddently i notice that the sound in drivers side starts fading away, like if the gps was talking (reduces sound on your side to hear gps) but the gps was off and eventually i lost complete sound on that side then after a few secs it went back up. after about 10 mins i get to work and before i get out of the car it happens again, but this time it did not fade, just went out and came back after a few secs. anyone know what could be causing this? i have a 2008 with jbl sound system.
if its not navigation, maybe the hands free ? search the forums for the lan monitor easter egg, download my knowledge base post, and you can read the codes to see if there is an actual problem. the prius mfd screen logs everything av-lan. even a shorted speaker wire
sweet, tried that and it sent me to the diagnostics thing. the screen shows the following EM's=ok navi=ok audio=ok g/w=ok dsp-amp=ok then i press the LAN MON button an shows me another screen with all of the above saying CHEK exept audio.
here is pic of first screen here is when u press lan mon
If you have a 2008, why worry about it! Thats whats the warranty is for. Sounds like a trip to the dealer is in order. Of course Murpheys Law will come into play here, and 1 block away from the dealer the audio will pop on full volume and be working perfectly, until you drive off the lot, and a block later, you loose your sound!!! Still, a trip to the dealer is in order on this one!!! Good Luck and let us know what they find!! 73 de Pat KK6PD
haha now thats funny stuff. its actually like that. for every issue i take the car in for service, they can never replicate the issue. i drive away and there it is. sigh.
(keep in mind that chek might not actually mean anything, sometimes it logs too much) if it says chek then you should be able to read the codes under chek chek is a button, touch it
A somewhat related issue. I've got a 2007 Prius with factory XM and a jbl system, and the XM audio has started to spontaneously shut off. I'm still receiving a signal -- my display tells me what programs are currently on -- and I can still hear the audio from the FM and AM radio. I've also found that the XM audio comes back on if I shut off the car, and restart it. Anyone having similar problems?
write the codes down, download my pdf in the knowledge base, and you will know what the codes mean!!! a lot of people on here come up with some really sad replies saying these codes aren't important, but i copied them from a repair manual, and i was shocked to see how much info the prius logs.. like shortened speaker wires, rom and ram errors, blue tooth board failures, a lot of stuff. even upside down cds being played! anyway if there is an actual physical problem with the radio or anything av-lan related, the codes are stored in the mfd...