My wife and I were out this afternoon and we wandered into a furniture store. She has been dropping hints that next summer I should build her a vanity for the hallway. Something about 27 - 30" wide, about a foot and a half deep, with drawers on the bottom and a glass-enclosed shelving units on top. Sure enough, there was a floor model of pretty much what she was talking about marked 40% off. The dimensions were pretty close and when the store clerk said there was an additional 10% off we were sold. Then the tricky part. My wife was questioning how we were going to get it home. I said "don't worry about it; it'll fit." She didn't trust me. The store clerk asked "what kind of car do you have?" When my wife responded "Toyota Prius" I thought the clerk was going to bust out laughing. At that point it was an issue of pride more than just transportation. With tape measure in hand I went out and measured. The width of the piece was enough to warrant dropping both rear seats. This means that both front seats will be needed for people. The measurement from the hatch to the back of the seats - pushed all the way forward - is 70". The height of the piece is - get this - 69.75". I went to swing Priapus around and as my wife was standing with the guy who would help load it he asked her what kind of car. She said that he grunted a sort of "yeah right." :flypig: <- flying pig I pulled up to the curb and popped the hatch. Looked at him and he looked at me. Then I removed the cargo cover and stowed it, folded the right seat, then the left. Then threw down the drop cloth (always with me) and said, "let's do this." We leaned the piece over and just slid it in. I had already moved the seats all the way up and straight. The piece when all the way to the seats and left virtually no room when the hatch closed. But close it did! :whoo: With that finished I looked at the guy and said, "...and she was worried." He was still staring at the piece inside the car probably trying to figure out how it fit. :shocked: Of course, then we had to drive home. As I said, the seats were all the way forward and completely upright. I normally have the seat all the way back and slightly reclined so this was completely different. We were laughing all the way home at how absurd we must have looked scrunched up like that. But in the end we made it home and got it in place.
I have done the "hug the dash" maneuver many times to get oversized items home. I once hauled a box of 12 foot long vinyl siding home in a Dodge Omni.
Good information to have and a great story. It surprises me that so many people think the Prius is a small car -- until they get in it. The usual response is "Wow, there is so much room in here." I'd get rid of my truck if I could figure out how to get a 4x8 sheet of "whatever" in the Prius.
I got the "I'm really amazed at how much room there is in the back seat" comment this weekend. Family friend, about 220lbs I'd guess and at least 5'11" prob. at all back there. A lot of the issue of hauling in the Prius, however, is the shape of the object...some stuff that there should be room for just won't fit through the hatch.
I transported a completely assembled bookcase in the back of my Prius. Got the same "you've got to be kidding" reaction from my pal who gave it to me. I think we were both a little surprised when it breezed in, and I was VERY surprised that I could close the hatch! Amazing. Yeah, I drove the 23 miles to my apartment with my knees crammed in there, but it made it safe and sound! The Prius really IS an amazing vehicle on so many levels.
I thought about it but only too late. And to Evan's point, the angle of the cargo hold and the seat along with the top of the hatch where the roof is really dictates the thickness of the item(s) being hauled. So while it's true to say that Dan and I fit 70" in there, my hutch-thing and Dan's bookcase are "thin" enough to not have a problem.
One of my wife's requirement for her replacement vehicle was that she has to be able to put 8 foot long 2x4s in the car with every door closed, 2 people in the car, and nothing sticking out. The Prius fits the bill on that one.
The Home Depot sells finished lumber in 8-foot lengths. I just slide them in. In fact, here's an old thread:
I bought two 10' lengths of quarter round last weekend to finish off the bathroom. Walking back to the car, I'm thinking "OK, which window will I stick this out of?" Sure enough, one end goes up on the dash on the passenger side, and the other end just fits inside the hatch. Ten feet! Inside, all doors and windows closed.
I had to pick up a full-size recliner and move it across town. I thought I was going to have to use a different vehicle, but I was able to put the recliner in the back, facing forward. I then reclined the chair, and by god it fit. I had the back top of the chair touching the rear hatch glass, and the extended ottoman thing behind my head. I took the trip nice and easy but got it there. I'm always surprised with what this vehicle can handle.
Yea, don't give us the ol' "didn't have a camera" story . . . put it back in the car, shove the seats forward, get back in the car, and have someone take the pic!
To get the old dryer in I actually had to unbolt the rear seatbacks and slide them forward a little to lower that little "hump" right ahead of the battery box, but the thing fit in with the hatch closed. . That's been one of my own long-time criteria for vehicle shopping, though -- full size white goods. . _H*
nice going! I probably won't be able to do that since I can't drive with the seats in the full forward position.
It's true...the Prius is amazing as far as cargo space is concerned. I actually hauled the sod for my backyard in my Prius! When I picked it up from the sod farm (down a dirt road in the middle of nowhere Queen Creek, AZ) the woman that took my payment was very doubtful, but despite her pessimism the sod fit perfectly in the back with the seats down. My previous vehicle was a Ford F-150 and one of my biggest concerns was being able to haul large items if need be. Now, I'm not saying that my Japanese Princess replaces the F-150's hauling prowess but it certainly has dispelled my worries. The ultimate situation will be when I can afford to put on some permanent racks and have a basket carrier on top that I can strap stuff to. At that point who needs an SUV?
Well I hauled a 43" plasma TV -in its' original box- 1000 km with a passenger and luggage for two. We both had plenty of room (didn't move the front seats) but I was sure happy when we unloaded it and I got my car back! I hate driving a truck. I've also hauled a 56" electronics rack (four post) with the hatch closed. Neither of these items would fit in the anti-Prius (2001 Nissan Pathfinder). So much for SUVs!