What meaning, significance, or idea are you trying to convey through the picture in your avatar? There are some very unusual pictures out there. They are for the most part everyone else's 'picture' of you. Surely, there is a reason why you chose that particular picture/graphic to be your surrogate image. (There was a somewhat similar thread back in 2005, well before the majority of today's members joined -- me included.) I guess that it's only fair that I should start. My picture is an extract from a page in the annotated illustrated "children's" book, Cybernetics! ostensibly written by one "Stanislaw Mayakovski" in 2172. Basically it is a story about the adventures of "Ari," a man-made, micro-miniaturized, computerized ant. In the picture, Ari is protecting her friend Bill, a small beetle that rides on ants and grooms them, from a large spider. To the question of how/why an ant would have a built in miniaturized cold plasma laser, Mayakovski answered: "I'd want one." Jerry Prosser's annotation, adds: "He gave an ant a gun and presented his findings as a children's book. He once replied to criticism that his work [in natural and artificial intelligence] and findings were shoddy by saying, ' It is only the limited imagination that takes refuge in the banal structure of formal science. A childlike sense of wonder and curiosity transcends these limitations and is more faithful to the aims of science than academic dogma and conceit. That is why I write for children.' " Well, the idea of a working, sentient, man-made ant somehow reminded me of the Prius. And there are times, mostly when I'm driving, that I would like a built-in laser weapon to, well... express my displeasure. I liked the story and especially the art work. I fully support the sentiment that a "childlike sense of wonder and curiosity" is necessary for all learners, young and old alike. You learn best when you're having fun. I'm learning a lot here on PriusChat. Cybernetics!, Text by Rick Geary. Drawings by Jerry Prosser, 1992. "Manufactured in the United States." ISBN1-878574-29-9. (Basically, it is a hard back comic book.)
Mine is a little bird that flew into a glass door at my office the first day I drove my Prius to work. I told my wife that it saw me drive up in a Prius so it knew I wasn't a threat. The reality is that it was stunned so I could stick my cell phone right next to its beak and snap a picture. He/she is of course a poparazzi magnet...
I edited mine out of a family group photo. Okay, actually I love Futurama. In my mind it never went off the air and I love that they are making more material. My avatar is Urr, Ruler of Omicron Persei 8. For a while I was Zapp Brannigan.
And for a while you were "That Guy" aka "80's guy", which was the best. Maybe my favorite episode. My avatar is the original electric Citi Car. I just think they're cool so I thought it would make a good avatar and it doesn't get lost among all the Prius and pets. Lrr is in fact married to NdNd and while I'm unsure if they have procreated I can tell you that their offspring are knows as Popplers and they are freakin' delicious. I think they still sell them at Fishy Joes.
Better than working at home? Some days my commute is only seconds. My avatar goes very well with the name, I think. I spend a fair bit of time in my own company, I have a sense of humour, and I'm always ready to rescue a damsel in distress.
Hyo is right. His avatar IS what he looks like. And he does a wicked sense of humour. My avatar says... my car is easy to spot in a parking lot.
I guess that's right. I said "Urr" but it's actually "Lrr". Thanks for the correction, Bohous. While I was waiting for Priapus to arrive, my avatar was It's an actual picture of my garage with an actual Prius cut-out.
My Avatar says that I am a family man and a home owner and I guess that my wife and I decided not to "wait" until we got married.
Not! . . . that's a Duffy 'Electric' boat parked in the front (or is that the rear) of our house (red roof), and we're putting up PV panels, to run it, and most everything else, so the juice is literally, 'on the house'. So my friend, you've been out smugged The Canadian Geese just 'happen' to be grazing, and got in the picture.
Mine is just for the contrast. 50 miles to the gallon vs. 7 feet to the gallon. Of course, the Prius won't haul the Space Shuttle though. Jamie