It's commonly known that, to avoid engine noise, one should not run a power line next to speaker wires. My understanding is that the XM receiver unit is usually installed in the back of the car, with the cable (containing a power line) running through either the left or right door kick panels? I'll be adding XM, a new amp and a PAC-OEM2 (combination amp 12-v on generator and high level to low level step down converter.) Adding the amp will (ideally) require running both RCA cables (from the PAC-OEM2 unit I'd prefer to install in the dash) back to the amp, and probably also new speaker wires from the amp to the speakers, all inside the kick panels where I expect the XM cable to also go, hence my concern. But if that's where the speaker wires already are from the factory, and since many have apparently installed XM cable through the kick panel without picking up engine noise, then I won't be worried about the power line in the XM cable conflicting with speaker wires. But another potential engine noise concern is from running the PAC-OEM2's 12-v on from the dash area back to the amp through one of the kick panels. (It generates the 12v on for the amp by tapping a speaker wire to know when it's time to generate that 12v signal, which tells the amp it's time to turn on.) I could avoid sending a 12v on signal along side the speaker wires in the kick panel by installing the PAC in the back, close to the amp. But installing it in the dash area instead would enable the use of RCA cables to send the signal back from the dash to the amp, and I've been told that's better (less likelihood of engine noise). If it is deemed necessary, is there an alternate route to get the XM cable and/or just a single small gauge 12-v from the dash to the back (besides the kick panels?)
My understanding was that the XM was installed in the dash. But I doubt running 12V line near speaker OUTPUTS would create noise, as the signal to noise level would be quite high and the speaker would not likely be reproduced. However, if you ran a noisy line near speaker leads going to the INPUT of an amp, the noise picked up would be amplified.
Page 40 of Eddie Bell's install PDF shows the XM unit installed in "a prime spot just above and ahead of the battery. From what I've read here, the PriusXM DVD and Eddie Bell's install PDF are essentially the same. Looks like I'll need an alternate route besides the kick panels (which I understand are actually called "scuff plates".) Does anyone know if the speakers wires as laid by the factory do indeed run under those same scuff plates?