I just purchased my new salsa red 2005 on 3-16 at Dan Hecht Toyota in Effingham,Il. and drove 1155 mi. to Ft. Myers,Fl @ 72-75 mph w/ heat,defroster & air all the way w/ ave. of 48.9 mpg. As of today, 200 mi. all in town w/ air I am ave. 50.1 mpg. I wont be surprised to see mid 50s once my engine gets broken in. Ya gotta love these cars.
Hello and Congratulations! This is truly a happy day! Another beautiful Prius (and it's smart owner) have joined our ranks! Enjoy your car. My experience has been that this is one vehicle that just gets better and better the longer you own it. Having owned mine since Feb. 4th I am still besotted and start every day glancing out the front door just to stare for a moment a it's beauty. Sorry for the soppy moment, but that's what having such a wonderful car does to you. Take care and enjoy! Tisza
Congratulations! Y'know, Tideland Green was just the color I wanted for my Prius; but I have to say that the Salsa Red color is extremely appealing -- definitely the most "wow" of the colors available for the Prius. Pity it isn't offered with the grey/burgandy interior -- I think that would look great.
Here's 5 points for getting the best color. For now, I can say that you only like your Prius half as much as I like mie....I bought another one for my wife!
I bought my salsa red from dan hecht toyota in effingham in january. I still love the car and the dealership. congrats. i only had to drive back to chicago - you've already broken the car in. have you named it yet? my prius's name is the hebrew national as it has a certain hotdog color to it and that is my favorite dog. congrats again!