Is there any way to prepay certain among of gallons at current price, like some airlines(Southwest) are doing? I'm sure the price will go up faster than the interest money i put in money market or CD.
I remember seeing a news segment on television about a co-op somewhere in the southwestern U.S. that pooled their funds and bought a large gas storage tank. They then purchased some very large amount of fuel back when prices were lower, and used that to ride out at least part of the skyrocketing prices earlier this year. BJJB
OPEC just reduce supply by 1.5m barrels per day, so you'll see prices go back over $3.00 pretty soon.
A LOT of school districts and municipalities locked on to a price when the gas prices were high anticipating they would go up instead of down. Somoe are now paying throough the roof at $4 or so a gallon no matter how low it drops. Still happy with my new Prius, I needed something new and dependable to travel in. The wife and I took an overnighter to go sight seeing and do fall foliage to some areas nearby we were meaning to go to but never have. But to do my part with the gas situation............. I'm going to look at a 77 Lincoln Mark V with a 460 tonight. Can't pass up the price............guy lost storage, and car has to go this weekend! So I will have yet another "hobby" car.
CEO of GE exclaimed it's official we are now in a recession, this morning. world markets took a beating, and pre-markets flared a "circuit breaker" for the first time in years. They halted trading to prevent the bottom falling out at opening bell, this was futures halting. Expect more to come in the following weeks. with the trillions in derivative debt, the national debt at an all time high, the FED pumping more funny money into a cess pool of debt and more debt. This recession could last a decade. of course this is just from the talking heads