while i there are numerous pros i find about my 08 prius, during my first six months of ownership, i find myself somewhat disgruntled with my car. while i may be an anomaly among users here, im not happy. i wish i had time to elaborate, but im off to go have a bumper replaced because being rear ended at less than 5 miles an hour "compressed my bumper"..... 08 prius for sale
One of the great things about the Prius is that you'll probably get back most of what you paid for it. I was rear-ended back in September but had very little damage. The left corner of the bumper popped out of place but the claims inspector was able to just pop it back in by himself. Only other issue was some missing paint. I was awarded $230. Out of curiosity, what kind of car would you rather have? Tim
I am only 38 years old and have not owned many new automobiles, but this is by far the best all around auto I have ever owned..I cant wait to drive it and I have had it since April.. The days I drive my truck to work(one day a week) when I get off work I am a little saddened when I remember I did not drive my Prius..I hope this winter does not change my highly rated opinion of my Prius..I think unless something better comes along I will be a prius owner for life..
Yep, it sounds to me as though you got one of the bad ones. Good luck dumping that thing. But I can save you some time and effort and offer $15,000 for it. Good luck getting more. Let me know. I feel it's a very generous offer.
Its also a great car in Winter, just remember that if you still have the stock Integrity tires on your Prius they are not acceptable in the winter if you have more then about 20,000 miles on them.
There's always going to be some dissatisfied owners, I'm not one of them. There was a time after renting that I bitched and moaned about this car not having an adjustable seat height. After 2 months of ownership, that is the furthest thing from my mind. Although not a luxury seat, it's plenty comfortable. Tell us what you don't like - lack of power, ??
moldy ac less than desirable mpg, i can live with that poor paint i believe-probably has something to do with how much freeway driving i do noisy interior bumps and rattles shoddy upholstery i could go on and on.... maybe it was just bad day, but i feel let down by my car. while i dont have any problem with paying 32 dolalrs to fill up, the car feels sub par in comparison to the other cars ive had. (honda accord, tacoma) hopefully it just becomes a total in the next week, so i can buy that excursion ive been drooling over poor attempt at sarcasm in the last sentence btw
moldy AC, its hard to find a car these days that wont have that problem if you forget to turn the A/C off for the last mile or two of your trips. I'll agree that there are some rattles and it is a tad on the bumpy side though. You can try to lower your tire pressure a bit to soften the bumps and rattles, try running at about 33 PSI front 32 PSI rear, but it will come at a cost of about 1 MPG. As far as the interior I find it to be ok I just dislike the fabric on the doors and the center console, there may be some mods you could do though.
Debos, the reason for the flippant replies above - including my own - was the lack of details and air of determination in your original post. We see many posts here of people who voice a displeasure of one sort or another with a thorough explanation of the problem seeking remediation. We've also seen posts in which people are bound and determined to never change their mind. We work with the first group and joke with the latter. It's unfortunate that you've spent money for something you are not currently pleased with. Around here you are the anomoly but we all admit that it happens from time to time: be it an appliance, a service, or some other something that never emasured up to our expectations. There's nothing in your post that voices new or original concerns. All have been brought up and addressed by our myriad members. In the time that it takes to sell the Prius and buy a car more to your liking, I invite you to work with some of our members to address your dissapointments. If nothing else, that might make the remaining time with your Prius a little better. I'm sure you know that the people around here love to help. Whether you ask for it in earnest is up to you.
well... much to the distaste of other overzealous owners on this site... I do need to point out the obvious... the prius IS an econobox... what did you expect? accordingly it has some cool features and it gets decent mileage.... other than that, well... it's a prius. like I said earlier, i'm switching to an Audi A8 as my next car so I dont really care all that much.
TONYP - i had a thought, maybe you could tell me your thoughts. how about spraying some LYSOL or germ killing spray on the inner cabin air filter. would that help the mold issue? i'm NOT having that problem on my 08, but that's just food for thought.
" I am distressed by your lack of faith..." Darth Vader How much did you pay? What is it worth now? Why did you originally buy the Pri anyway? You drove it before buying it? Did it have colth interior then or did they slip in the leather for the test drive then pull it out for delivery? I have owned many new cars since the 70's. All of them had air conditioning and all of them could have the musty smell sometimes. What car did you have before that had better MPG? Name one car that doesnt have a rattle or bump once in a while? The government sets impact standards not Toyota. Toyota just meets or exceeds that std. It is an economy car not a Limo. If you expected something else you bought the wrong sales pitch. If you want something different just go get it. Life is too short to hate your ride.
I find it ironic that someone purchases the Touring pkg, with its stiffer suspension and low-profile tires, then complains about the ride and bumps. The std. Prius ride isn't bad. Sure, it's not a $80K Euro luxo-boat, but that's obvious. What is shoddy about the upholstery? Get a clear-bra applied to the hood, the paint will be fine.