The Prius Team. They gave me permission to let all of you poor starving slobs, have still another gander, at yet another batch of highly relevant, yet unexplained and totally meaningless pic's ... so eat hearty my friends ! drum roll . . . . . . . . . . . . See? There is! The Plug! I new they're going EV! ok, i'm weak. I couldn't resist Now go ahead, give it a try! You too, can best the informative folks at the Prius Team! Weeeeee!
Ya know.....when I went to the home page, I thought this was legit. I was rolling my eyes with the Tire shot. (lol, very nice touch by the way). The last photo nearly had me though. Mostly because your car color and sheen is similar to the "Open/Close" picture 2. I think Prius owners would like more shots of the tread patterns of the Touring vs Standard Prius though....
LOL!! That would be hilarious! There's a thread in FHOP somewhere where we posted pix of various parts of the Prius and people had to figure out what the part was and where it was. We should migrate some of those photos here.
Brother Hill almost got me too with the electrical plug pix. I guess this is just some advanced Trick or Treat. But, just in case it's not: Team Prius, you won't release new FE/MPG figures, but please, oh please, can you show us a pix of the new, improved fuel fill door release mechanism. Pretty please?
Hi Hill, You had me going. "Yea, they are going to put Hydroedges on Prius stock!". Damn. Would have been the first good thing about these pictures to come out.
hush! Drive the media nuts! I 2nd the motion! Now, if your really really nice, maybe soon, the Prius Team will let me post a 2" square close up of the black tupperware aerodynamic skidplate material ... with dust on it. Shhhhhh! top secret!