Waiting since June 24, they called yesterday morning about 10:30 and said it was in. Wife and I were doing some work on the house, so we went out about 4 yesterday afternoon to pick it up. Basically, drove it home. Zipped through the manual last night. Hopefully, will get to drive around some more today. It's either that - or more remodeling I can't begin to tell you how sick I am of remodeling.....
:welcome:Greetings and congrats on your new Prius. Excellent choice and colour. You'll find lots of great advice in this forum to increase the benefits and enjoyment of your new car. Cheers,
But those trips to the home improvement store will be so much more fun in the Prius.And be sure to check out the threads talking about how much stuff you can fit into a Prius. Practice folding the seats. It's good that you've gone through the manual. There's so much stuff you will probably need it again and having gone through it once means that you will be able to find the information faster when you look for it.
Not the stuff I've been having to get. I've basically replaced the outside and inside of the house. Haven't done anything to the basic structure, but everything else has been redone over the last 10 years. I'm pretty sure the last load of 12' 2x4's, sheets of wallboard and new interior pre-hung doors wouldn't have fit in the back. That's why I still keep the old pickup around. Yep, there are several things like that. You have to read and re-read manuals to remember what's there, and find all those little nooks and crannies.