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Grr - venting and vaporizing again

Discussion in 'Dealers & Pricing' started by Dianne, Mar 18, 2004.

  1. Dianne

    Dianne New Member

    Dec 23, 2003
    Laguna Niguel (but I work in Carson)
    I wanted to express some feelings here.

    I had a list member (he shall remain nameless) who is still awaiting a Prius thru me, and he's been offered cars by other dealers (for more $?) or in different colors that were not acceptable. That said, he emailed me today that he needed a truck for his kid and "due to his experience with Toyota in this whole Prius thing" he was not going to buy a Toyota truck from me for his kid.

    Let's make this about me for a second, and then I will make it about you all.

    I sell 1,800+ cars a year. Such a small percentage of my volume is Prius
    because Prius IS a small allocation of cars. That cannot be helped. It's been that way for years. I sell TONS of Sienna, Camrys, Tacomas, MANY
    Tundras, and so forth. It's not OK with me that I am bugged to death by hose awaiting the hard-to-get Prii and not to be respectful enough to do business with me on cars or trucks that I can get. That's my livelihood. I
    am expected to sell 125 - 150 cars a month so that we keep up the omentum on EVERYTHING, not just Prii. The email conversation I had with this man left me rather pissed. I felt like I was being blamed for something completely out of my control.

    OK, that was about me.. now, about you guys and gals. If you need anything that says TOYOTA or SCION on it, reach me. I sell many cars across the country and local as well. Deals are awesome, and I do lots of special orders for lots of cars. Put my time to good use for yourself if you need a Toyota or Scion or used Toyota or any other USED car we have on our lot .... and that goes for anyone you send my way -- neighbors, co-workers, friends... relations. Let me do my job -- it's VERY important to me -- selling what we CAN get... and please dilute the negativity in my life where the 2004 Prius is concerned. OK? It would help. That letter from this morning from the "I am a truck seeker but hahaha" just ruined my damn day.

  2. jaa

    jaa Junior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Takes all types. This guy is not worth your anger. Most of us think your the best thing since sliced bread and we wouldn't buy from anyone else. I tell everyone I meet what a great person you are and if they want a great deal and need help finding just the right car or truck your the one they need to talk with. jaa
  3. NorthStar

    NorthStar Junior Member

    Jan 6, 2004
    Minnetonka, MN
    It would seem that your e-mailer was pissed too. It is too bad he vented his frustration by trying to cause you pain.

    Isn't that the way it goes though, through a friendship, even such as we share here, we get to know people and yet the more we do we also learn what can cause them pain.

    You may or may not have lost a potential sale but I am convinced by the voice of many on this and other forums that you have only enhanced the loyalty and business from many others by your constant help and honesty.

    Thanks from one of many admirers.

  4. Dianne

    Dianne New Member

    Dec 23, 2003
    Laguna Niguel (but I work in Carson)
    Hey did you get that room painted? I think you are just saying this cause your car's coming next week, LOL!!! }:>


  5. jaa

    jaa Junior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Still painting. We've had people stop us and ask about our double cab still to this day. I guess because the limited is so rare. They always tell us the dealers around here won't order what they want and the prices are too high and we always send them your way. Having said that we're extremely excited that our 8 month wait for our Prius is almost over. We're only on one list, yours, because we value your integrity. Too bad for "nameless" he couldn't be more wrong about you. He won't find the reliability of a Toyota vehicle any where else. Sure the wait is terrible but put the blame where it should be on the high payed guys at Toyota, not the guy/gal saleman/woman trying to sell their product. jaa