The way my car rings when someone is calling me has changed. It is a totally different sound, and very quiet. Does anyone know how to change the sound of the phone ringing in the car? Thanks.
You can't change the car's ring-tone, but you can change the ringer volume. On the MFD select Info.> Telephone.> Settings.> Volume. Or "off-hook" button.> Settings.> Volume. Same thing, just started with steering wheel button. Of course, your cell-phone's ringer is still sounding too, and maybe you are hearing/have changed that.
If your cell phone is on vibrate, the ring inside the car will sound different. Is you cell phone on vibrate? Marvinh
Yes, the phone is on vibrate, but it always has been. It just started sounding different recently. Perhaps I changed something on the phone, but I don't know what.
Problem solved. I had changed the ring tone without being aware of it. Since I never hear the phone ring, it is always on vibrate, I thought the car had a particular ring. Not the case. I switched back to the original ring tone, and it sounded just like it did in the past. Thanks for the help.