I also like how your plate layout worked out. Abe's face right between KIX and GAS. Hmm... Abraham Lincoln; Prius man.
Great plate Matt! Geez, you have it all going right there: "Kix Gas", "Driving the car of the future . . . today" and a plug for PriusChat! For that, I'll give you 1,000 points! But don't cash that check anytime soon or it might bounce.
Thumbs up -- that's a great plate!!! [hr:631d8f5b48] And on a side note: <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DanH\";p=\"74783)</div> And action figure: [Broken External Image]:http://www.legendshobbies.com/TPI/DSC06772.JPG "Real hologram simulated Evil Lincoln is BAAACK!!"
In case anyone wants the license plate frame (I had one inquiry so far), it's available for purchase here: http://www.cafepress.com/cp/browse/No-1_Na...t-prius_D-prius It's listed under "Girlish Things" but I disagree!
That is a wonderful image overall. I especially like where you've put the PriusChat.com sticker. I've been holding onto mine since the calendar came, thinking I'd find a clean part of the rear window to put it on. Like that's ever going to happen. I do have an Illinois plate (as you know) and no frame, so it would work great to put Danny's sticker there. Thanks.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jimofdg\";p=\"75011)</div> When Matt first showed me his PriusChat sticker and said that it came with the calendar, it occured to me that I was so excited to get my calendar (and to see Priapus) that I missed the sticker and threw it out, still in the shipping pouch.
It's easy to miss a half-inch strip of white graphics on a clear decal with a white backing. If Danny hadn't mentioned "look inside for a treat," I might have missed it too. If I recall, the shipping pouch was white too. Only Danny knows which of us calendar purchasers got that treat.