I have looked for instructions/explanations on how to use this forum and have not been able to find any thing. Please point me there. My wife and I bought our 2008 silver pkg 5 Prius the 24 of Sept and I have driven it 90% of the time. My wife is only 6 blocks from work and does her best by walking. I really enjoy the depth of information but am frustrated in my attempts to use the forum.
Hi Rob and welcome :welcome: Looks like you've pretty much gotten it. You simply post and read. But yeah, I'll agree that there are no real instructions. In fact, we talked about that but I guess never got around to writing them.
Usually there is a rather lengthy document on how to do all things PriusChat Forum for newbies. Not that it is important to me where are all the avatars. But seriously is there a location for newbies to learn the ropes? I stumbled upon the tagging feature but I do see so many other things and icons.
Um... hmm... The Website question forum is a great place to ask this! Some of the features of the site are new additions, and not all of us "experienced" chatters know all of them, either! Okay, so I don't know all of them. I'm still blundering around! I think, for instance, the avatars are available under User CP, under Avatar... if you poke about in their, there are some standard site avatars available. You can also link to your own, if you have one (hosted on another site, like flickr.com or webshots.com), or even upload one from your computer. Don't be afraid to ask POINTED, DIRECT questions! Maybe some of us will learn something, too!
Thanks much. I will certainly ask questions. What are all the icons at the bottom of each message for and is there a way to get emailed when a response has been posted to one of my posts? Why are the different forum areas divided up with a few subjects blocked off at the top of the page with many (pages) of messages below available when scrolling vertically. Why the separation?
Hi Rob, Welcome to PriusChat. There are extensive instructions in the "Frequently Asked Questions" format. Go to the "FAQ" link in the top toolbar of links. There you will find the following three links and categories of questions and answers: General Forum Usage User Profile Features Reading and Posting Messages I don't know when the answers were last updated (PriusChat has gone through a couple of migrations/software changes), but I think they are by and large up to date. BTW, PriusChat has been painfully slow the last day or two. Usually it's pretty fast. But occasionally there are days or parts of a day when it's painfully slow.
That is exactly what I was looking for and it seems to have been right under my nose. Thanks very much