At under 5k miles, I brought the car in and they did 4 wheel alignment. Did not cure it. At over 6k miles, I brought it in again, left at dealer for the day, they could not replicate issue. I came back the next day, drove with a technician and showed him clearly. Under normal speed, the car tracks the road fine, no issue. It's on slow down at traffic light that I could feel the steering wheel tugging to the left. I was able to show the tech clearly that on a flat road, at slow speed, when I apply the brake, the steering wheel turns by itself to the left. We came back to the dealer and the tech reported that the brake seems to grab a little more on the left. So I left the car there. Dealer called later this pm to say they checked everything, tire pressure OK, brake pressure OK, alignment OK, they swapped front tires but still pull to the left. They test drove 2 other cars they have on the lot and noticed the same pulling but not to the extend of my car. So they contacted Toyota tech support and opened a case for my car. They said that they did not many complaints on this issue. That's it, no fix? What are my options? Do I have ground to ask for another car?
It's going to be a problem with the hydraulic friction brakes. That's why you only get the pull at low speed. Tom
Did you get the printouts from both alignments before & after? Could there be frame damage? (Probably not since it only happens during braking.) Do you have the repair orders from both trips? I presume they returned the car to you in it's original condition. You can contact the county's Consumer Affairs Office and get a copy of the Lemon Law booklet. It might also be available through the county's website. In NJ you can not file a claim unless the vehicle has been out of service 20 days or three trips for the same defect that "substantially impairs the use, value, or safety of the vehicle" and the manufacturer has been notified in writing that you may have a claim. I don't know how south you are but here are some contacts: Lemon Law Unit NJ Div of Consumer Affairs P O Box 45026 Newark NJ 07102 973-504-6226 e-mail: [email protected] Burlington County Consumer Affairs 49 Rancocas Rd/P O Box 6000 Mt Holly NJ 08060 609-265-5054 The county has an office by Sears in the Moorestown Mall. The Lemon Law is in effect for 2 years/18000 miles whichever comes first. Keep us posted & good luck.
To verify that it is the friction brakes pulling left, shouldn't the OP try a moderate speed (~30 mph) braking in neutral on a clear and open stretch? That way there would be no regen to confuse the diagnosis. With some luck a few friction stops in neutral from somewhat higher speeds might even clean the pads/rotors, but that is pure speculation on my part.
I will try that and report that. Don't you all think that Toyota should know about this though since they are still saying everything is normal? Plus they have swapped brake pads and tires around with the same result!
I had/have the same issue on my 08. Had pull on braking as well as pull at cruise. Dealer did alignment, cured cruise pull. Dealer said there was nothing else wrong and I was too busy to address it. When I rotated the tires for the first time the brake pull almost went away. I now have 42K on the car, and rotate every 8k, pull has lessened and increased based on which tire is in front. I really don't notice it any more unless I am really paying attention to it. I am curious what will happen when I replace the tires which I will be doing before the snow flies. I had believed I was feeling "torque steer" while braking due to the "braking" being done thru the transaxle. Which dealer are you going to? I was going to Lawrence Toyota.
It was Capitol Express Toyota in San Jose, CA. Since they swapped the front tires around, I have noticed a difference to the steering wheel feel. On slowing down, it used to tug a little to the left, now it feels more balanced. So tires seem to be the reason. I also tested out the recommendation of braking in neutral and it seems less, 50% of the time there is no pull, the other 50% there is some pull but a lot less, not as pronounced as when in D. I am surprised Toyota did not know or say anything about it or is there a deeper reason for their silence?
I can't think of a convincing explanation for that. Regenerative braking (gentle/moderate braking in D) should be fairly balanced since it should be distributed evenly by the drive train. Having more problems in regen mode suggests an allignment/tire rolling issue. Not getting much pull with the friction brakes in N is the opposite of what I would expect if the friction pads/rotors were the problem. I suppose it is possible that in N the braking is more distributed front and rear, while regen is effectively front brakes only. If so then if the front was the problem the impact would be lessened by the rears doing a greater share of the braking. It might even be that the left rear is causing the pull (or the right rear isn't engaging as it should.) This latter probably doesn't explain the better peformance in N vs. D though. Perhaps this is more of a tendency to grab a bit more on one side at low speed? You said that Toyota swapped tires and pads so unless the caliper set up or sliding "rail" (or whatever they call it) on one side is catching a bit I would have expected this to cure it or at least swap sides. (I've heard of this being an issue on other vehicles, with the caliper/calipers being a bit sticky.) Rotors could be the issue but your N test suggests they are a not the problem. Hopefully someone with a fuller understanding of the Prius brake system can put these pieces together in a coherent way.