I just got this error on the "View Posts since last visit" page - is anyone else experiencing this problem? Hopefully it's a temporary problem, but if it continues I'll check it out tonight when I get home.
I was about to ask the same question except that I wasn't looking at posts since last visit. I was trying to do a search and just get 'General Error' after hitting 'submit'. Larry
I am also using FF and since this after noon when you click to "View your posts" it gets you the same message. Hope you find it Danny. :roll:
I'm getting the same error for all three of the links in the User Info panel (posts since last visit, unanswered, and your posts). I tried it in Firefox, Opera, and an IE based alternative (NetCaptor) with the same results so it doesn't appear to be browser specific. Looks like a generic error on the search function.
Moi aussi. Workaround at the moment is to browse by forum, and look for the little orange squares (threads with unread articles on 'em).
It's sort of fixed on my computer. Clicking on Post Since Last Visit does work, but after I have gone there and clicked on a post, when I click back I get the general error.