Driving down the road, All lites and computer got Dim than went totally dark. Towed to the dealer. Diagnose inverter coolant pump went bad and it took the inverter with it. A $5000.00 repair. Do not have that kind of money...... Where would i start to pin point the problem or what should i replace first to make some head way. Any help will be appreciated.
You should try to find an incident car where you can buy the components you need. Also may be you can find it at ebay. I know there are no much classic Prius on the roads. But no try no win... Mr. Burns
Seen a few here with this issue. But most lately have been wrong polarity jump starts blowing up the inverter.There is no customer temp gauge for the inverter but the car will throw a DTC (warning light) when the inverter pump fails.If you continue to drive the car with no inverter coolant (as most seem to do) the inverter overheats and fails. If it was me I would buy a used inverter like the link below and install it myself before I gave $5000 to a dealer. There's bunch of pumps in there too. Buy a Prius Chiltons as there's a pretty good explanation of the procedure in there. Its not too hard. Not like changing out a clutch or a trans. Some hoses and electrical plugs and flush/fill of coolant.Good Luck. eBay Motors: 2002 Toyota Prius System Inverter OEM LKQ (item 220284536488 end time Oct-21-08 15:42:14 PDT) Oh I believe there's a TSB out also concerning leaking of inverter coolant. Take a look behind & around the back of inverter for leaking red coolant turned greenish. Was the coolant tank level low?