With the influx of new members and our ever-increasing membership, I'm interested to find out how most people have found out about PriusChat. Please take a minute to answer the poll and if you found us via a search engine like Google, please let us know what you were searching for (what you queried). If you found out about PriusChat via another website, please let us know what that website is. We'll be moving to a new server in under a month, so hopefully that will help with speed issues as we continue to have 50-70 people online at one time.
I'm in the 'can't remember' group, but I think I was doing basic research and trying to find tech info on the Prius after renting one for a 300 mile trip. Google, then whatever other websites that provided info, John's site, Mr Kash's site, Toyota's site. I never did frequent the Yahoo sites, they are just too hard to read in that format. Why make it so hard, when the Prius is so easy on everything else!
Can you change it to say "search engine, IE:Google, yahoo"? Google only accounts for about half of search engine traffic. Yahoo, and to some extent MSN, account for most of the rest. I found this site on a search I ran on Yahoo. I think it was "Prius extended warranty" as I had just bought my Prius a few days before and was upset with the stealerships extended warranty ($1650) offer and they fear mongering they use to push it.
Awesome! A bit nitpicky, I know. But I manage a website (www.dcs-is-edi.com) and work with both google and yahoo on pay for inclusion ads and I despise Google's methods compared to that of Overture, who manages the Yahoo method. Traffic between the two is almost identicle at 45% each, yet I spend twice as much on Google and get less management capability as well.
First I found PriusOnline through a Yahoo search. PriusChat was mentioned frequently in messages so I gave it a look and liked it. .....Still waiting for salsa AM, turned down a lot of other packages/colors..........
Going to update in a month? Hope I don't get lost like last time :lol: . I actually joined sometime in last of Jan., but that is ok Danny. I understand things happen. Just kidding. I was doing a search for a new customer who had questions aboiut long time storage. So since I had recently installed mIRC ( a chat program) I searched google for chat sites. I came upon www.chatmag.com, an Internet Chat Guide and Directory. Found Priuschat there. Came and looked around, posted my question. Stuck around a while and have been here ever since. Throughly enjoy reading the posts and have made many new friends. And thinking about it, I have never been to any other Prius websites either. Guess I am happy here, :wink:
I put down search engine, as I was looking for info on real average of MPG (was getting high 40's at the time), and if I should ever see a fully charged battery. I think I was first led to PriusOnline, but as others said, that led me here. I never liked having to register for things, but I sure am glad I did here. 2nd best thing done, prius related, is to get the service manual downloaded, especially the wiring diagram. I think PriusChat prompted me to do that.
im in the google group but i dont remember if i went here first or john 1701a's site first and was directed here, may have opened both windows at the same time (normal for me... anytime i do a search on google i always open a half dozen of the most likely sites first before actually doing any looking)
i was here when you were building it, but pretty much i came over after the yahoo group started bickering.
I remember browsing autos.msn.com and a consumer review of the Prius led me to john1701's site. So I'm not sure if I found PC through him or through a search (Yahoo!). If it was through a search, it was probably "2004 Toyota Prius" that I entered into the search field
Hi All, I did a search for "Prius" via AOL's search feature and then just read everything that came up. I was in the shopping process and wanted to make sure that this was truly as wonderful a car as I had told my husband it was. Little did I know that this wonderful car would lead me to such wonderful people and such a fun place to learn and share. Every day I am more and more pleased with my car and feel the same way about my association. I am even going to print up some simple cards to hand out to folks directing them to PriusChat if they are interested in learning about these cars or finding out more about the one they already own. Thanks for everything and take care, Tisza
I got my Wired magazine yesterday, and went straight for the cover story, which led me here. Funny that my dealer's "Internet Sales Specialist" didn't point me this way before I bought my Prius.