Hi everyone, This is just a quick note to let you all know that I downloaded the source code for the excellent CAN-Decoder by Gary Morris and converted it to be used as a mac app. It was originally written for windows and converts the raw data .bin file that is output from the serial port of CAN-View to a .csv file which can be viewed in Microsoft Excell (or for that matter, Apple's iWork suite) The application is still only a simple command line program, but can be run in the OS X terminal Applicaion. Once you've captured the .bin file then start the CAN-Decoder Terminal app and when prompted either enter the location of the file to be converted or do a drag + drop. I should point out here that all I've done is recompile the excellent source code from Gary's site. I have done nothing else. He should be credited with all the hard work! I've attached it here - let me know how you get on. Nikki. P.S. If the drag+drop doesn't work then make sure there isn't a space at the end of the filename - do a backspace to check!
Cool! This is why I like open source! So have you started using the CAN-view to capture data? If so did you make the necessary changes to make the program compatible with the V4+ CAN-view data? I'm assuming that your using the V4+ since you have a 2007 Prius. Also is the file that you included in the zip the executable and the source or is it just the executable?
If you have a used Mac Mini sitting around and want to install it in your Prius, you might find the following link useful. MacPrius I imagine you could add the CanDecoder software also if you want to record data. Have been thinking about this for a while, but I, unfortunately, don't have a MacMini sitting around.
Hey guys, This topic may be dead--but in the event that it isn't, I worked on a CANBUS display for the PHEV Prius awhile back called CANTOP (cantop . sourceforge . net **remove the spaces**) It runs JAVA and QT (server and client respectively) and uses a low-cost CANBUS to USB converter called CANdapter (candapter . com ** remove the spaces**) for it's vehicle integration. It's far from finished, but it's pretty customizable if you have at least a little programming experience. If anyone is interested in developing it more I can help them get started. Oh yes, and it's open source too. Andrew
I'm not a programmer, nor am I afraid of computers. If you could supply a basic guide. I'd love to give it a shot. thanks