I was just wondering about some pretty crazy ideas -- so, I altered a photo using Photoshop real quick (not a professional job). Any other ideas - opinions? Should I go for it? What I was going for here was the speed stripes of the Shelby G.T. 500 Mustang, but the lines are too far apart...
I think the look works on the roof and the spoiler edge on the hatch, but I think it'd be overkill on the back of the car. The '04 is already pretty "thin" widthwise, and adding more vertical stripes may exaggerate the narrowness even more.
Perhaps it's the color combination. It kind of looks like road kill by an oversized SUV. Maybe Seaside with white stripes?
[Broken External Image]:http://rtzfld.com/series/untitled/Untitled-Le-Pew-4-220.jpg "Hey, babeee... do you speak ze language of Loooovve?" :mrgreen:
I like the idea (though I would never do something like that to my own car). I would go with red stripes if your car is grey, yellow stripes if it's blue, and white stripes if it's green. If it's black you can do anything, and I wouldn't mess around with any other paint color though. I think it would be a great site to see on the road. I am in favor of it if you do it. No lightning or flowers though please. ~Andrew
Agree, on the stripes it should be on a Dodge. (1NZ-FXE Hemi)????? 04 millenium silver oem ev, cn mudflaps, Pkg #9
Opie, I'm in favor of anything you do to mod your ride and make it uniquely yours. Unfortunately, these stripes just aren't doing it for me. If the color schemes were a more distinct from one another, there would be more impact. I would try narrowing the stripes and bringing them together. Or perhaps can you somehow make them off-center or a little diagnal. That said, did you get the plate of the Hummer that ran over your Prius?
It sure is a very "unique" look. I like the roof etching as mentioned before, but the bumper section could be left alone. I just picked up my 2005 Salsa Red Pearl on Tuesday and it came with a white pin strip down the side(custom pin stripe as the dealer called it..extra option of course). I think its look sharp(a touch of white line on the salsa red).
I love the big Graphics...........They are just Nylon stickers? I just ordered the old style moonie hubcaps like shown on the P* in my sig! They should offer less Drag then the stock and I like the look!
I have been thinking about the big moonies also. Are you going to switch to steel rims? I am worried about attaching to the aluminum rims, these really scratch the finish and metal. I didn't want to mess up the OEM wheels. Let us know what you do and please post pictures. wdfoto
i've found a set brand new .......stainless steel brushed looking...not the shiny chrome look. My 1st call I got a quote of $120 for the set. Soooooo, I have to shop this price and see if I can find them closer to home. The place I did find is about 40 miles out. I haven't even looked at the OEM rims.....but are you concerned about rust after scratching them....? Anyone know about the nylon sticker graphics? Is it expensive to submit a design and have it produced and applied?
I know the OEM rims are aluminum and will not rust, but the hubcaps dig into the paint and metal to get a grip on the wheel. Just look at any old car with hubcaps and the rims are all chewed up. Try JC Whitney About 69.00 for 4 here is the link http://www.jcwhitney.com/autoparts/Product...isplay/ss-10101
Aluminum rims don't rust but they *will* oxidize if you expose them to salt. As an example, in winter when the road department pours salt on the roads to melt the ice and snow. If you have to drive in those conditions, please use a set of cheap steel rims. It's a lot easier getting a spray bomb of black anti-rust paint and touching up steel rims every 2 years than getting nice aluminum rims refinished.